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Discord to 100 Relay

Jun 21, 2018 westernunion link
Channel 100 relay is now available on the every[ONE] Discord server (

Special thanks to Blazzzy for writing the code to make this happen.

This relay is running via an AWS server instance and should therefore be very reliable. If you would like to help keep the relay active 24/7 please consider donating a sub key. The account is for the relay only. If you would like to donate send sub keys to We will figure out a method for letting players know you have supported the relay with a donation.

Thank you.
Jun 22, 2018 Ore link
Thank goodness, now we don’t have to log in to play the game. Thank you to everyone for making this possible.
Jun 22, 2018 Mi5 link
Now we can evade EULA/RoC without repercussion and do it from the comfort of Discord? yay!
Jun 22, 2018 Luxen link
Pretty sure there will be a role system to prevent you from using the relay if your a repeat offender of its use.
Jun 22, 2018 Whistler link
There should be, or the whole thing would need to be muted. FireMage did a good job of setting up some dev/guide only commands to avoid that.
Jun 22, 2018 westernunion link
There is a role for access to the relay. Game guides who join the server will also have access to revoke it along with the server admins.
Jul 05, 2018 Ore link
Ahh yes ragers policing the non-playing community on their own terms. This has gotten completely out of hand.
Jul 05, 2018 westernunion link

As the Every[ONE} Discord server is currently the only publicly listed server related to Vendetta Online we are doing our best to ensure that people discovering VO in this matter have a good experience. The addition of the in game relay allows visitors the opportunity to see some of what happens in game. To that end we are actively ensuring that relay chat is not abused and several players have already been banned from the server for such abuses as well as certain in game players being ignored by the relay.

At your request we can add you to the relay ignore list if you would prefer not to have your chat sent out for the public to read.
Jul 05, 2018 Ore link
you kicked people out of your discord? * Where is your charter of acceptable use policy and does it align with Guild's? Has incarnate gave you his many blessings? Sure yes please block me on your server.

also LOG IN.