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Pay to Play, Donations and the Future of Vendetta

Dec 31, 2003 Hoax link
I'm really liking the idea of eye-candy for money. It seems to have the quality of enhancing the game for paying customers without overtly affecting gameplay for anyone. What are some things besides ship skins that might fit into this category. I want a Chiquita Banana sticker for my Atlas.

If our inventory was a bit more like other MMORPGS it might be nice to have some rare items to collect. As it stands one widget looks and acts much like any other and having an unusal one doesn't seem to exciting. If the universe had more user persistant things there would be more that could be done. For instance how about the "Hoax is cooler than you" docking platform in sect 7? I might pay for a Waylonics billboard that I could pick text for. How about "This traderoute sponsered by Phoenix" signs? Name a roid after Toshiro? I don't know...
Dec 31, 2003 Forum Moderator link
Now the ideas are coming in! I like those. I also like "sponsors".

-a wall or 'roid of fame with the names of sponsors printed, etched, or hologrammed in.
-an aura similar to the flag capper, but perhaps fainter and a different color.
-a return of weapon powerups. The blue ion gun returns as a powerup,for instance, but if you die it's gone. They're awarded, not purchased. Dunno if there is vestigial code for this anymore though.
Dec 31, 2003 roguelazer link
The powerups would be really cool, and probably easy to impliment even if the code was removed. After all, we still have a "nearest powerup" button... And if you made the aura's user-selectable colors, they'd be cool too. I dunno about the roid of fame, but I do like the holosigns idea.
Dec 31, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
Krug pay by snail mail!
Dead vendetta make krug mad! ARR!
HAPPY EDIT: On the suggestions thingy, there should be some way of letting people who pay have the ability to test their ideas and whatnot, like partitions of the test sertver you can connect to and put things in.
HAPPY EDIT X2: nothing would be stored on the test server though, it would just have one person connected so they could use the engine to test ideas, and they wouldn't be able to write to the server or view code and whatnot
Dec 31, 2003 Pyro link
I would KILL to be able to play on the test server... That or pay extra... :P
Dec 31, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
but you don't get to bring things from testing into the game(as in, no flying a frigate from the test server into the game world)!
Dec 31, 2003 EarthMkII link
Well, at this point I think paid players should get some sort of notoriety - I like the wall of fame idea, eye candy goodies might be fun too - but I wouldn't want anything that affected gameplay, or prevents players from making suggestions, improvements, and whatnot.

Adding user-created guilds and requiring a paying player found or sponsor them would be cool - but we'd have to be careful that there aren't as many guilds as people paying to play.

Now, a bus only deathmatch sector... that'd just be pure 100% fun. :D
Dec 31, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
And perhaps paying people would get cameos in the story line, like say if the Makchuga bar is in the story line and Verdandi pays, she would be the waitress there.
Dec 31, 2003 EarthMkII link
Ooo.. I like.

yeah, story line cameos would be very cool
Dec 31, 2003 Pyro link
That would rock...
Jan 01, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Another idea:

A sponsors-only sector that sells slight variations of the ships we already have. Nothing major, just a few cosmetic changes.
Jan 02, 2004 Starfisher link
Perhaps allowing a sponsor or large donater to add some custom content to the game? I know that not everyone is a modeller or texture artist, but consider:

I donate $x and reach the threshold to be allowed to add some minor cosmetic artwork to the game. I have some minor modelling skill and create a derelict model. The devs look it over and decide that it's low poly enough and fits the universe so they drop in a sector somewhere. Now whenever I play I can fly past the derelict and tell all my friends I added something to the game.

Or allow sponsor or large donaters to name sectors. This would probably be reserved for later on when there are many more sectors to name, but again allows a paying tester to leave his mark on the game in a way that doesn't interfere with anyone else's enjoyment.
Jan 02, 2004 roguelazer link
I like the "name a sector idea". "Welcome to Roguelazer Station!"
Jan 02, 2004 Sheean link
Or, sponserd items,

šnewbie colaš in s9, anyone? :)
Jan 02, 2004 yooyooma link
I'd be supportive of most any idea that would keep Vendetta alive. Bottom line, don't let your product die, find a way to make it work.
Jan 02, 2004 zamzx zik link
I think thats all of what formmoderater is saying is good, devs?

can you do this id love to name the party rode sponsered by : zamzx GOLD.

Jan 05, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Another idea:

Sponsors get some cool graphics for their names in the sector list (seen by pressing "u" ingame).

Sponsors could get "sneak peeks" at new art, sectors, and objects.
Jan 05, 2004 Hunter Alpha link
Here's a few ideas I've had, not sure if they've been suggested before :

Buying credits. Say $10 get's you 10,000. (compliments trading but doesn't replace it)
A choice of different HUDs.
Somekind of newsletter.
Access to nation specific forums.
Access to certain factions/guilds. (When the factions system is up)
Personal Messages on forums.
Different colour schemes for forums.
Maybe allow non-nation specific characters.

That's all I've got for now.
Jan 05, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Ya those are good. I thought about the credits one, but was unsure of how much. We could kick an amount around if it gets adopted.

Also: Vendetta website email. (Don't hurt me a1k0n)
Jan 05, 2004 Crater Creator link
I'm not opposed to having to pay to experience the game to the fullest (or at all). But making someone pay so they can _give_ ideas? That's not going to work. If I have an idea, I'll suggest it at the suggestions board. If that's restricted, I'll visit some of the community sites and suggest my idea there. If that doesn't work I can play the game and broadcast my idea to everyone via chat. If it's a good idea, it survives in people's minds, and if not it doesn't. You can't police people's suggestions just because they didn't pay; it would be impossible.
I also think it would detract from the game if things are sponsored. I foresee it getting to the point that ships look like racecars, covered in advertisements or names. If you have people paying real money for stations or ships or sectors, you invade the game world with the real world. Given the genre of Vendetta, I think we can agree people play to get away from the real world.