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Feb 12, 2017 de Obliviator link
What does it mean to be a subscriber?
Feb 12, 2017 Luxen link
Well, it depends - let me explain.

As it is, you are likely free to play (F2P). you have to buy ships with both credits and gems, and have a liscence cap of 4/4/4/4/4. There are things you can do to get around some of the limitations imposed on you, but you will not be able to own a capship, buy Nation-Elite ships (like the TPG Raptor UDV, Itani Valkery, Serco Prometheus, or the Corvus Hound or Maurader). you cannot vote people to be muted, and cannot hold a position other than member in a guild. you can play Vendetta Online on mobile platforms only. As f2p, you still have access to at least 1 of every ship model, and higher-lisc'ed weapons can be equipt at factionless stations.

the first Subscription is a Lite Subscription, which gives you access to the PC game clients for 1$ a month. all other restrictions apply. BTW, the PC client is BEAUTIFUL!

the reccomended Subscription is a full subscription of 10$ a month. This removes all restrictions and Limitations in the game. If your liscences are high enough, you can also join the "Player Contribution Core" (PCC), which are members given access to a test server for testing out player-made missions.

the next level is a "Long Term Supporter" Subscription, where you pledge to subscribe for a year or more. This gives you early access to things the devs are working on - a notable example is the Goliath, which you may have seen flying around space. LTS members can also buy a camo-print Hound.

I'm not entirely sure where VR pilots fit into this - they have to buy the client, i beleive, to offset the costs of the VR store, but if they are considered mobile or not I dont know.

Hopefully this helps you!
Feb 19, 2017 EO Dyn link
As a Gear VR only player, I can let you know we are capped like the normal Android F2P tier you mention above. That is, our licenses stop at 4/4/4/4.

There do appear to be in-game purchase options to subscribe at any of the other tiers, however - Lite to gain access to the PC client at the same limts, and the monthly premium rate of $10/mo. I don't know if it's normally this way on other clients, but the Gear VR in-game purchasing option for subscriptions only goes out to 6 months. I can' find a yearly subscription option in the UI.

It sounds like there are perks for those who pledge to or actually buy 12 months in advance, so doing it on the website might be best for VR players. I'll let someone more experienced weigh in on that, however.
Feb 19, 2017 The_Catman link
No idea about Gear VR options but PC/android can take out a 12 or 24 month subs - at a discount to the monthly rate.

There must be something similar for Gear VR
Feb 20, 2017 Krazzzzzyhorse link
I started as a GearVR player, hit the level 4 cap and then subscribed at the 10 a month plan and continued to level up and enjoy the game. Heard a lot about mobile users being dis-advantaged against pc players in chat 100 so decided to load up the PC client on my laptop. I can switch back and forth from PC to GearVR on the same account. I can get all the ships in both GearVR and of course PC. Later I went to the web page and signed the pledge to commit to one year and now have the Goliath, awesome advantage that is and I dread the day it ends. GearVR players are in the same boat as PC players as long as you subscribe. The GearVR experience is 1000 times better than PC in IMO. But GearVR has many limitations that the PC does not have in terms of ease of use because you are limited to about 16 buttons for controlling your ship. I do not believe Droid buttons will work with GearVR as far as I know.
Feb 20, 2017 Stinkpalm link
I just resubbed after a bit of a break. I was told there would be beer and cake.