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The Vulture

Oct 22, 2003 The Kid link
I say all ships should explode if they crash into each other faster than 50m/s except the heavy ship. Rag and Centaur and possibly prom.
Vulture should have remained at 8000hull.
Oct 22, 2003 Arolte link
Yeah... I don't understand why the Vulture's hull was raised. It's already hard as hell to hit. The wing/collision bug should be fixed though.
Oct 22, 2003 fenix link
Gauss-ramming? rofl...

Grrr.....threads like this that attack perfectly balanced

The vulture takes a good deal of skill to fly against larger and more manuverable figters, such as the valk, and I think the profile is just fine the way it is.

I don't know why the hull was increased, because it was just fine the way it is, and it's not even a considerable upgrade, only 500HP's. I do agree with blaster on the fact that all ships could take considerable damage, if not destruction, when running into each other at high speeds.

I think the starter and supporters of this thread typically can't fly vultures, and then a general rule applies; If I can't fly, or fight against a ship effectively, it should be nerfed. I can't counter triflare valks well with my Vulture, but do I bitch and moan about no-skill pilots that ram in them? No, I don't, because it's pointless and will undoubtedly be taken care of in time, by either my skill developing to counter said fighters, or the valk getting a little more balanced, (if it isnt now)

My point is, the vult was fine before the hull addition, and most of the supporters of the vult being nerfed are most likely just sick of getting killed by players in vults that DO have some skill with them.

The vulture was just fine before the hull upgrade, and should be returned to that state, and it should remain in it's place as a light fighter.
Oct 22, 2003 SirCamps link
/me points to sector 9

how come the vast majority of people that aren't in valks use vultures?

Oct 22, 2003 fenix link
Uh, take .002 seconds to think about that one.....

The Vulture is the next best ship to the valk, but takes a much greater deal of skill to fly.

1: You can't really rocketram in a vult, because it simply doesnt have enough hull
2: It's really fast, IE difficult to aim energy weapons effectively.
3: It's a very versatile fighter, being able to attack fighters, as well as heavies effectively, with it's one disadvantage being it's got limited hull.

Hull shouldnt have been increased, but the profile should stay the way it is, as well as the speed and manuverability.
Oct 22, 2003 Arolte link
It doesn't take that much skill to fly. I hopped on one for the first time a while back since 3.1.12 and started owning everyone within minutes. It's a very easy ship to fly. It's very responsive and fast, enabling you to outmaneuver your opponent or escape when you're in trouble. Aiming with it is extremely easy (i.e. no wobble). The only problem is it issues a lot.

If you want a ship that involves skill to fly, try a Hornet.
Oct 22, 2003 Celebrim link
"It's really fast, IE difficult to aim energy weapons effectively."

That's the first time I've heard heard someone claim that high agility ships took more skill to use effectively than low agility ones. Mercy, having a high agility is just such a huge drawback.

"...a general rule applies; If I can't fly, or fight against a ship effectively, it should be nerfed...most of the supporters of the vult being nerfed are most likely just sick of getting killed by players in vults"

Well, at least you are spot on about that. Almost noone complains about the configuration of thier opponents being too weak or thier own chosen configuration being too strong. No, whenever someone succeeds its because of 'skill', and whenever someone loses its because there oppenents are 'cheap', have 'no skillz', and are using a 'broken' weapon.

"Gauss ramming..."

Yeah, I agree. You don't know how many times I've regreted bringing the term 'ramming' to the Vendetta lexicon. It never gets used in the way it was originally intended anymore, and instead is increasely just used to mean 'do something I don't like'. The only word more misused than 'ramming' is 'exploit'.
Oct 22, 2003 a1k0n link
Well, at least nobody's 'camping'!
Oct 22, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
Leave the non-specials alone!!
Oct 22, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
a1k0n: thats because you need to be sitting in order to set up camp!

*has EQ flashback*
*falls to the floor screaming and twitching*
Oct 22, 2003 fenix link
Arolte, you're proving my point as well as Celebrim's with your comments, thank you...
Oct 22, 2003 Arolte link
How so? Now I'm confused.
Oct 22, 2003 roguelazer link
silent: that's my line. I used it in 3.2.x. Give it back!

Arolte: If you're confused about silentsuicide's comment, I advise you to go sleep for about 12 hours, then read it again. Otherwise, be more specific.
Oct 22, 2003 fenix link
uh, as long as the seekers arent laggy, i'll have no problem dodging them and killing the rag
Oct 22, 2003 ctishman link
Yep. I decided to take my chances and took on a Vult with a triple grav/dual plasma rag early this morning. The battles were short, to say the least. He just jumped around my shots.
Oct 22, 2003 silentsuicide link
hey i have an idea, lets just take out all the ships except for the bus, give it no weapons, and don't let it turbo. Then everybody will be happy! (Rogue's super happy fun line!)

Seriously though, whining and complaining about every ship this early in the game is ridiculous, it has been stated before that most if not all of the current ships will be gone someday. So why bother adjusting them, let the devs worry about the code, economy, and adding other ships before we start changing the ships we have now.
And if a vult does get on your nerves take out a rag with tri geminis and two locust missle launchers and fire at em. Chances are they wont dodge but will instead trun at a 90 degree angle and try to boost away. A very bad mistake which ends with their death.