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HE mining beam change?
I recall using 3 HE beams and 2 HD beams on a Ragnarok to mine.
Now the same ship is out of power. The HE beams use 6 grid.
Were the HE beams always 6 or has too much manufacturing caused me to lose brain cells?
Rhandome Mynah
Now the same ship is out of power. The HE beams use 6 grid.
Were the HE beams always 6 or has too much manufacturing caused me to lose brain cells?
Rhandome Mynah
It was the same the last time you logged on when you did your instant log-out exploit to yoda. So it's been that way since whenever that was. t'was a while ago.
Oh yeah, I forgot why I quit. Did they fix that yet?
Not sure, I know spuck can replicate it I'll ask him
Yes, they did. Now when someone messages you from in-sector it changes your logout time to 30 seconds. Kill them after 20.
Yeah, that change didn't do shit. This was about an "instant" logout, no 10 second timer, no 30 second.
That thread seems to suggest they've resolved it. Report for duty yodaofborg! RED team needs you!
Definitely unresolved... I can't be bothered to find a station about half the time... so, I usually just insta-log in an empty sector.
To add 2c to the OP, 2HE + 2HD = max grid ever since I've been using them (4 years-ish), tho I wish they left enough grid for a mineral scanner at least. WHAAAH! (mining whining). you can equip a storm scanner because they magically don't use the grid power they claim. Y'know... for all that bad-weather mining you do...
Oh yeah, sorry for going OT, it's TRS's fault.
It's always been like that. Suck it up.
It's always been like that. Suck it up.
1) I have not changed any mining-related grid power in ages.
2) Ray is under the impression we addressed one of the reported instant-logout exploits back at the time it was initially reported (Spuck sent us a ticket). Of course, the "fixed" condition would still seem "instant" to the person using it, just not to other people who would see their ship sitting defenseless in space for a period of time, identical to an actual network disconnect.
If people have examples of ways to reproduce instant-logout conditions, they're welcome to send them via the Support Ticket system and we'll take a look.
2) Ray is under the impression we addressed one of the reported instant-logout exploits back at the time it was initially reported (Spuck sent us a ticket). Of course, the "fixed" condition would still seem "instant" to the person using it, just not to other people who would see their ship sitting defenseless in space for a period of time, identical to an actual network disconnect.
If people have examples of ways to reproduce instant-logout conditions, they're welcome to send them via the Support Ticket system and we'll take a look.
Er, come again? How is it TRS' fault?
Who cares! It's fixed and RED team needs you! Death before dishonor soldier!
Who cares! It's fixed and RED team needs you! Death before dishonor soldier!
We always blame TRS.