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Rotation Control aliases

Sep 18, 2003 Eldrad link
Ok. I've made a set of aliases that allow you to instantly change your rotation speed. The way it's set up you can change between .8-1.7 x original speed in increments of .1 and you can also go to 1.75x.
The lower end of the range is somewhat arbitrary. If you go much over 1.75 your screen will turn faster than your ship. If you get far enough ahead the ship will start turning the other way.

Devs: I know this probably isn't something you were intending to let happen similar to turbo tapping. Unlike turbo tapping I think this could improve over all game play... so I'm posting here to see what other people think and what its effects on in-game fighting are. If it makes the game worse please get rid of it. Thanks,

1) Copy the text bellow into your wgaf.cfg file, or into a text file inside the vendetta folder and /load 'file-name' in game.

2) bind +rCCW, +rCW, rup, rdown to keys of your choice. Ex. /bind MWHEELUP rup
+rCCW turns you Counterclockwise at variable speeds
+rCW turns you Clockwise at variable speeds
rup increases your rotation speed
rdown decreases your rotation speed

The aliases are messy. I didn't feel like spending more than an hour on this, so when I added some stuff I did it sloppily. It doesn't effect how well it works but it doesn't look pretty. If you want to clean it up feel free.

FireMage made one first. I didn't see his but I wouldn't have had the idea if he didn't tell me. And of course the devs cause they rock.

alias rotTo10 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW10; alias +rotCW +rotCW10"
alias rotTo9 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW9; alias +rotCW +rotCW9"
alias rotTo8 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW8; alias +rotCW +rotCW8"
alias rotTo7 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW7; alias +rotCW +rotCW7"
alias rotTo6 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW6; alias +rotCW +rotCW6"
alias rotTo5 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW5; alias +rotCW +rotCW5"
alias rotTo4 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW4; alias +rotCW +rotCW4"
alias rotTo3 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW3; alias +rotCW +rotCW3"
alias rotTo2 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW2; alias +rotCW +rotCW2"
alias rotTo1 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW1; alias +rotCW +rotCW1"
alias rotTo0 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW0; alias +rotCW +rotCW0"
alias echoTop "echo 'No Change: Rotation speed is 1.75x'"
alias echoBot "echo 'No Change: Rotation speed is .8x'"
alias echoR10 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.75x'"
alias echoR9 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.7x'"
alias echoR8 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.6x'"
alias echoR7 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.5x'"
alias echoR6 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.4x'"
alias echoR5 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.3x'"
alias echoR4 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.2x'"
alias echoR3 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.1x'"
alias echoR2 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.0x'"
alias echoR1 "echo 'Rotation speed is 0.9'"
alias echoR0 "echo 'Rotation speed is 0.8x'"
alias rot10 "alias rotup echoTop; alias rotdown 'rot9; echoR9; rotTo9'"
alias rot9 "alias rotup 'rot10; echoR10; rotTo10'; alias rotdown 'rot8; echoR8; rotTo8'"
alias rot8 "alias rotup 'rot9; echoR9; rotTo9'; alias rotdown 'rot7; echoR7; rotTo7'"
alias rot7 "alias rotup 'rot8; echoR8; rotTo8'; alias rotdown 'rot6; echoR6; rotTo6'"
alias rot6 "alias rotup 'rot7; echoR7; rotTo7'; alias rotdown 'rot5; echoR5; rotTo5'"
alias rot5 "alias rotup 'rot6; echoR6; rotTo6'; alias rotdown 'rot4; echoR4; rotTo4'"
alias rot4 "alias rotup 'rot5; echoR5; rotTo5'; alias rotdown 'rot3; echoR3; rotTo3'"
alias rot3 "alias rotup 'rot4; echoR4; rotTo4'; alias rotdown 'rot2; echoR2; rotTo2'"
alias rot2 "alias rotup 'rot3; echoR3; rotTo3'; alias rotdown 'rot1; echoR1; rotTo1'"
alias rot1 "alias rotup 'rot2; echoR2; rotTo2'; alias rotdown 'rot0; echoR0; rotTo0'"
alias rot0 "alias rotup 'rot1; echoR1; rotTo1'; alias rotdown echoBot"
alias rdown "rotdown"
alias rdown "rotdown"
alias rup "rotup"
alias rotdown "rot1; echoR1; rotTo1"
alias rotup "rot3; echoR3; rotTo3"
alias +rotCW10 "roll -750; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW10 "roll 750; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW9 "roll -700; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW9 "roll 700; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW8 "roll -600; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW8 "roll 600; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW7 "roll -500; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW7 "roll 500; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW6 "roll -400; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW6 "roll 400; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW5 "roll -300; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW5 "roll 300; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW4 "roll -200; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW4 "roll 200; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW3 "roll -100; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW3 "roll 100; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW2 "+rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW2 "+rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW1 "roll 100; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW1 "roll -100; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias CWset "alias -rotCW 'roll 0; +rotateCW 0'; alias -rotCCW '+rotateCCW 0'"
alias CCWset "alias -rotCCW 'roll 0; +rotateCCW 0'; alias -rotCW '+rotateCW 0'"
alias +rotCW0 "roll 200; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW0 "roll -200; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rCW "+rotCW; alias rdown 'rotdown; +rotCW'; alias rup 'rotup; +rotCW'"
alias -rCW "-rotCW; alias rdown rotdown; alias rup rotup"
alias +rCCW "+rotCCW; alias rdown 'rotdown; +rotCCW'; alias rup 'rotup; +rotCCW'"
alias -rCCW "-rotCCW; alias rdown rotdown; alias rup rotup"
alias -rotCW "+rotateCW 0"
alias +rotCW "+rotCW2"
alias -rotCCW "roll 0; +rotateCCW 0"
alias +rotCCW "+rotCCW2"
Sep 18, 2003 Dagger link
Hm... great stuff, just wondering what to /bind!
Please include some more information.
Sep 18, 2003 Eldrad link
I've got left mouse, right mouse, and the mouse wheel bound... but q, e, + and - would be good candidates.
It also echo's what your current speed is... which floods your chat window = ( but once you have it running it's pretty self explanitory.
Sep 18, 2003 Celkan link
I don't use the mouse, so I think the mouse wheel is a good idea.
Sep 18, 2003 ctishman link
Cool idea, but yeah, I think it's a matter of time before the Devs lock down the console ship-control commands and break our fun.
Sep 19, 2003 Eldrad link
I was sorta hoping the devs might incorperate it into the standard controls if it improved the game play.
Sep 24, 2003 Eldrad link
Ok... I updated it so it now has an alias to make it either echo, or not echo.
Everything else is the same as before just now if you want:
/bind key togEcho

Oh ya... and it's even more messy than before. : )

alias +rotCCW "+rotCCW6"
alias -rotCCW "roll 0; +rotateCCW 0"
alias +rotCW "+rotCW6"
alias -rotCW "+rotateCW 0"
alias -rCCW "-rotCCW; alias rdown rotdown; alias rup rotup"
alias +rCCW "+rotCCW; alias rdown 'rotdown; +rotCCW'; alias rup 'rotup; +rotCCW'"
alias -rCW "-rotCW; alias rdown rotdown; alias rup rotup"
alias +rCW "+rotCW; alias rdown 'rotdown; +rotCW'; alias rup 'rotup; +rotCW'"
alias +rotCCW0 "roll -200; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW0 "roll 200; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias CCWset "alias -rotCCW 'roll 0; +rotateCCW 0'; alias -rotCW '+rotateCW 0'"
alias CWset "alias -rotCW 'roll 0; +rotateCW 0'; alias -rotCCW '+rotateCCW 0'"
alias +rotCCW1 "roll -100; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW1 "roll 100; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW2 "+rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW2 "+rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW3 "roll 100; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW3 "roll -100; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW4 "roll 200; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW4 "roll -200; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW5 "roll 300; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW5 "roll -300; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW6 "roll 400; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW6 "roll -400; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW7 "roll 500; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW7 "roll -500; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW8 "roll 600; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW8 "roll -600; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW9 "roll 700; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW9 "roll -700; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias +rotCCW10 "roll 750; +rotateCCW; CCWset"
alias +rotCW10 "roll -750; +rotateCW; CWset"
alias rotup "rot7; echoR7; rotTo7"
alias rotdown "rot5; echoR5; rotTo5"
alias rup "rotup"
alias rdown "rotdown"
alias rot0 "alias rotup 'rot1; echoR1; rotTo1'; alias rotdown echoBot"
alias rot1 "alias rotup 'rot2; echoR2; rotTo2'; alias rotdown 'rot0; echoR0; rotTo0'"
alias rot2 "alias rotup 'rot3; echoR3; rotTo3'; alias rotdown 'rot1; echoR1; rotTo1'"
alias rot3 "alias rotup 'rot4; echoR4; rotTo4'; alias rotdown 'rot2; echoR2; rotTo2'"
alias rot4 "alias rotup 'rot5; echoR5; rotTo5'; alias rotdown 'rot3; echoR3; rotTo3'"
alias rot5 "alias rotup 'rot6; echoR6; rotTo6'; alias rotdown 'rot4; echoR4; rotTo4'"
alias rot6 "alias rotup 'rot7; echoR7; rotTo7'; alias rotdown 'rot5; echoR5; rotTo5'"
alias rot7 "alias rotup 'rot8; echoR8; rotTo8'; alias rotdown 'rot6; echoR6; rotTo6'"
alias rot8 "alias rotup 'rot9; echoR9; rotTo9'; alias rotdown 'rot7; echoR7; rotTo7'"
alias rot9 "alias rotup 'rot10; echoR10; rotTo10'; alias rotdown 'rot8; echoR8; rotTo8'"
alias rot10 "alias rotup echoTop; alias rotdown 'rot9; echoR9; rotTo9'"
alias silentRot "alias echoR0 ''; alias echoR1 ''; alias echoR2 ''; alias echoR3''; sRot2; alias togEcho noisyRot"
alias sRot2 "alias echoR4 ''; alias echoR5 ''; alias echoR6 ''; alias echoR7 ''; sRot3"
alias sRot3 "alias echoBot ''; alias echoTop ''; sRot4"
alias sRot4 "alias echoR8 ''; alias echoR9 ''; alias echoR10 ''; echo 'Rotation Speed does NOT ECHO'"
alias noisyRot "alias echoR0 nechoR0; alias echoR1 nechoR1; alias echoR2 nechoR2; alias echoR3 nechoR3; nRot2"
alias nRot2 "alias echoR4 nechoR4; alias echoR5 nechoR5; alias echoR6 nechoR6; alias echoR7 nechoR7; nRot3"
alias nRot3 "alias echoR8 nechoR8; alias echoR9 nechoR9; alias echoR10 nechoR10; nRot4"
alias nRot4 "alias echoBot nechoBot; alias echoTop nechoTop; nRot5"
alias nRot5 "alias togEcho silentRot; echo 'Rotation Speed does ECHO'"
alias togEcho "silentRot"
alias echoR1 "nechoR1"
alias echoR2 "nechoR2"
alias echoR3 "nechoR3"
alias echoR4 "nechoR4"
alias echoR5 "nechoR5"
alias echoR6 "nechoR6"
alias echoR7 "nechoR7"
alias echoR8 "nechoR8"
alias echoR9 "nechoR9"
alias echoR10 "nechoR10"
alias echoBot "nechoBot"
alias echoTop "nechoTop"
alias nechoR0 "echo 'Rotation speed is 0.8x'"
alias nechoR1 "echo 'Rotation speed is 0.9'"
alias nechoR2 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.0x'"
alias nechoR3 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.1x'"
alias nechoR4 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.2x'"
alias nechoR5 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.3x'"
alias nechoR6 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.4x'"
alias nechoR7 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.5x'"
alias nechoR8 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.6x'"
alias nechoR9 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.7x'"
alias nechoR10 "echo 'Rotation speed is 1.75x'"
alias nechoBot "echo 'No Change: Rotation speed is .8x'"
alias nechoTop "echo 'No Change: Rotation speed is 1.75x'"
alias rotTo0 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW0; alias +rotCW +rotCW0"
alias rotTo1 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW1; alias +rotCW +rotCW1"
alias rotTo2 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW2; alias +rotCW +rotCW2"
alias rotTo3 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW3; alias +rotCW +rotCW3"
alias rotTo4 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW4; alias +rotCW +rotCW4"
alias rotTo5 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW5; alias +rotCW +rotCW5"
alias rotTo6 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW6; alias +rotCW +rotCW6"
alias rotTo7 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW7; alias +rotCW +rotCW7"
alias rotTo8 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW8; alias +rotCW +rotCW8"
alias rotTo9 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW9; alias +rotCW +rotCW9"
alias rotTo10 "alias +rotCCW +rotCCW10; alias +rotCW +rotCW10"
Oct 05, 2003 Magus link
I'm still a little confused. Do I copy the entire text over? Or just that top part?
Oct 06, 2003 crazydeb8r link
That's nice Eldrad. Really nice. I have one too already, but I love it like a child.
Oct 06, 2003 Eldrad link
Ummm copy the entire thing, or replace just what I changed... but make sure all the things that should be 1 line are. When I copied it I cut a few lines short by mistake.