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I call it.. The Line of Destruction.

Sep 03, 2003 The Kid link
party roid weeeeeeee
Sep 03, 2003 FiReMaGe link
Okay, first of all, when you get "Error loading OBBTree for (null)", it is not a bug. It is just you loading beams / path finding lines + nodes.

S7 now has a line from the origin to a far out asteroid.

There is an asteriod I found one day in 3.1. I was at warp 6 and wondered why I couldn't target this small asteroid that was right near me. Then I turboed to it.. and turboed... It grew.. It was huge.. And once I was there, I noticed it was the farthest place out there in S7. Incarnate is responsible for making these extra asteriods (which were there during the deathmatch and CTF sector days), S7 was by Waylon or someone else.

The line is made since a1k0n.. just wanted to make a line I guess :P. Then he noticed he couldn't delete it :P.

I was in a rag with 3 sunflares and 2 jackhammers. Then a1k0n suddenly made a line, and everybody started to line up... :) That's why I call it that.
(I only destroyed Starfreeze and a1k0n though :P)

I liked to hang out at that asteriod during 3.1, and then Rabid Panda followed me to it too. Then after showing it to the devs one day, it became known as The Party Roid. A Bus Henge (stone henge made of buses) was made there once. Other times we would just have a mini war or just sit there.
Sep 03, 2003 ctishman link
W00t for the Party Roid
Sep 03, 2003 Rabid Panda link
w00t indeed. Good times, good times. You could even call it the make-out spot of Vendetta, if there were only girls...
Sep 03, 2003 alienb1212 link
There are a few, I can think of 3, one of who is my girlfriend....
Sep 03, 2003 Sage link
What pathfinding lines? I have never seen them. Is there a toggle command?
Sep 03, 2003 alienb1212 link
No, a dev has to do it..