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Combat Strategies

Sep 02, 2003 Tyrain link
I'm pretty new to the Vendetta scene here, and I've been trying to get the hang of combat. I was just wonder if some of you veterans out there would be willing to share some basic combat tips and strategies?
Sep 02, 2003 ctishman link
Learn to strafe. Spend time in Physics mode, even though it's uncomfortable early on, it could save your life later.
Sep 02, 2003 SirCamps link
Definitely. Learn to barrel-roll to dodge weapons fire and figure-8 to dodge seekers/swarms/homers. Learn definitely to strafe, it avoids rockets. :)
Sep 02, 2003 Urza link
buy a vulture and put dual sun flare rockets on it. Group them. Locate a target then fly full speed at them firing all your sunflares at point blank
Sep 02, 2003 roguelazer link

Firstly, try to avoid combat against players as much as possible if you can. However you must, be prepared to fight them well.

There are two primary types of vendetta weapons. The first of these weapon types is Energy weapons. These weapons have no ammunition, move fairly fast and little damage (but with a quick reload). They also consume energy. The other type of weapons is ammo weapons. These include rockets, missiles and mines. They do lots of damage and can move at various speeds, but they also are constrained by the amount of ammo they can carry. Most encounters in vendetta will use both types of weapons.

There are also three different types of combat. The first is organized combat. In this, both players have declared their decision to fight each other. They might even have taken bets on the outcome. This is often in the form of a duel. The second type is unorganized combat. This combat takes place on the spur of the moment and may be anything from an encounter in a flag cap to a pirating encounter. The type of flying used varies greatly between these two encounters. The last type of combat is human versus AI combat. The human always knows the AI's loadout, and often knows its flight patterns as well.

We're going to look at organized combat first. In organized combat, the weapons will often be predecided by the two parties. Very often, duels are energy-weapons only, but sometimes they will be anything that isn't a mine.

In energy weapons only, choose your weapon carefully. A gauss cannon and a tachyon blaster are the two most popular choices, with railguns and graviton blasters also being useful. The main point is dodging. Alternate between barrel rolls. These are done with strafe left/right/up/down and spin counterclockwise/clockwise. Alternate between different rolls, for example doing a 10 second strafe left/spin clockwise then a 20 second strafe up spin counterclockwise. Try to keep your crosshairs on your opponent and shoot until someone dies!

In any other duel situation, the spin method is pretty useless unless you are facing energy weapons (which you won't). Your opponent will try to "ram" you with rockets, by boosting straight at you and firing rockets when he gets close. To prevent this strategy, toggle to physics mode and back up. When your opponent starts boosting, shoot off a volley of either energy shots or homing weapons while strafing off to the side. Unless you are facing a truly excellent pilot, their shots will miss. That technique is useful later too.

In unorganized combat, it is fierce and quick. You do not know what your enemy carries, and you often don't have the room afforded by a duel. Keep the spinning trick in mind if you feel like using energy weapons, but you're probably going to find ammo weaposn more useful. Rocket-ramming, although frowned upon, is a fairly useful technique if someone comes boosting at you. You might not be able to avoid their rockets, but make sure that they suffer a death. Also good here are swarmers. There's nothing in the middle of combat like getting 10 swarming missiles on your tail.

The last type of combat is human vs AI combat. There are 5 types of Non Player Characters in Vendetta, identified by their bounties. The easiest have bounties of 75 and are found in sector 4/12/6. You can usually get them with any weapon before they notice you are there, and I won't go into the details of combat with them. They are armed with very low-power lasers. The next level up is 150 bounty bots, also found in those sectors among other places. They are armed with either Tachyon Blasters or green ions. You can fight them just like you would a player in a duel. Try to end it quickly, because they will gang up on you. If the bot is in an Atlas craft, take the cargo. The third type of bot has a 250 credit bounty. They are armed with blue ions. Fight them like a player, but try to rocket-ram them if you can, because those ions hurt. The fourth type of bot, found in 17 and 18, is the 350 bounty bot. It is extremely powerful and requires using the same dueling technique as the fifth type of bot, the Defense Ship. These bots are hard to rocket-ram and can avoid most homing weapons. To defeat them with energy weapons, use the tried-and-true reverse barrel roll. Do a barrel roll while in physics mode and while holding down reverse. Stop the barrel roll for short periods of time to shoot them, then restart the roll once they figure out that you're there.

Yeah. That's all going to be in my FIELD GUIDE soon. Read it.
Sep 02, 2003 The Kid link
what???????????????????? Try to rocket ram bots?????????? man...
/me hugs his gauss/tach vulture
oh btw, the def ships are the EASIEST to rocket ram :)
Sep 02, 2003 roguelazer link
Yeah, but surviving is tricky, especially now that they sometimes surround you instead of clustering behind you.