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Ban Asus - petition

Aug 08, 2003 genka link
Definatly NOT
Banning is not something to do to people, I mean, how would you feel if someone came in and smashed your computer because you were looking at porn?
Really people...
Aug 08, 2003 roguelazer link
Don't ban him, but please look into why he had the 99999 bug. As in his bounty was 99999, his score 99999, his nation robot and his ship invincible.
Aug 08, 2003 StarFreeze link
"I think SF is too opinionated and lets his personal feelings get in the way of his reason."

Now most people would turn this kind of quote into a flame war. Ahem no... Now personally the reason I stuck up for Asus was because the entire time you guys were yelling back and forth at each other I was having a nice convo. with Asus. He seriously wanted just to play in the derby but the entire time two people * and alienb had not only in main chat but in team chat wanted to endlessly kill him.

" (also, where SF saying he doesnt like me and wants to see me banned instead of asus)"

Heheh yea...sarcasim is great.

Aug 08, 2003 alienb1212 link
SF, on the contrary, you're wrong. I don't wish to turn this into a flame war either, but the logs and teamchat clearly show I was just trying to keep Asus at bay away from the derby, (also, you can ask several of the players that were there during the derby, unlike a few that got there after it was over<hinthint>). *, on the other hand, wanted to kill him over and over.

I don't appreciate you deliberatly making me out to be someone I'm not. You we're not even there for 80% of the derby, so you do not have much room to start accusing either.

if anyone wants to see MY log, mail, I'll send you the bare log, with no teamchat left out, and you make the judgement yourself.

And with that I drop the subject, because I don't wish to provoke anymore "flame wars"
Aug 08, 2003 roguelazer link
Guys, use your brains. NO ONE IS GETTING BANNED. The devs will never ban him because it's "good for the community". They'd as soon ban me, Icarus, Arolte, Celebrim (the last two because we argue in message board too much), SF and then maybe decimate* the rankings just for fun. No one's getting banned, but this thread SHOULD be getting locked.

Maybe he does use racial slurs and sexual slurs. Well, i've seen MANY people do this, and usually they quit of their own choice because everyone ingame yells at them. That is something for the guides to punish WITH PROOF from ingame. I don't know if just logs are enough, and I wouldn't reccommend banning him w/o a mute/warning first.

Baybe he did mess up something to do with buses. So what. It's just a game, and THAT certainly isn't enough to get him banned. I've got a flame thread on him somewhere on someone's forum, so I'm not exactly his biggest fan, but I don't think that he should be banned...

Yeah, I'm kinda rambling here. I'll get back to u...

* Decimate meaning remove every 10th person


I found my thread on the nt forum and I also found one of *'s on SF's forum, which I bumped.

Aug 08, 2003 cembandit link
Hehe. back in town for today to get some freash meat (fish arnt biteing) and to let my sunburns heal a bit. This whole thread is against the board policy...but anyways, I disagree with you aleinb, SF is being cool and logical, its someone else else who

"is too opinionated and lets his personal feelings get in the way of his reason"

The peoples need to chill with the ban this and ban that posts, firstly, when directed at a person they are in gross violation of the board policy, and secoundlys, they sound like childish whineing.

Now, if someone uses racial slurs and verbally harrases someone, it does get into a legal issue that the final game will need to address, as ultima online has. The UO GMs have zero tolerance for that stuff. Easiest way to get banned is to use racial/sexiest/etc slurs at someone...after EA took over...back in the OSI days Ive seen people tell the gms they are gona molest and eat the gm's pets, with the gm sittin there like a yea, I do feel that racism and whatnot in chat should be banable, but at the devs discreation, as they watch events, not do to a another stupid player petition.

-Homestar "MadCamper" Runner, Founder of EiG
Aug 08, 2003 The Kid link
please, no flames, this is supposed to be simple.
Aug 08, 2003 BusMasteR link
I've been provoced into using swearwords/cursing, maybe even name calling in a few cases (i'm talking AFTER my n00b period - my first time here have far from been clean) - which ofcause never should have gone that far, should have just logged out, but some flames are so serious that one doesn't. I've been provoced and called things, till i logged off - SEVERAL times. I've had flames against me so bad, that my freaking unborn kids were scared. There HAVE to be put an end to this - there are other than kids playing/testing this too, and i'm not talking about myself (not that kids = cursing/namecalling - but they *do* tend to do it more often)

If i am to say anything in this petition it would be: If "Asus" is to be banned - so is "*"... Now *he* have delivered some of the *worst* language/flames i've ever seen ingame - actually never thought i would see comments like his within vendetta, halflife or quake maybe - but not vendetta...
The only reason i'm naming anyone, is because this is a thread for "flaming" Asus (not that he's clean - who is) - if any are to be flamed over language it should be *...
Aug 08, 2003 cembandit link
"please, no flames, this is supposed to be simple."

this whole post started with a flame directed at one player, and should not have been allowed. Period. I think I will start a "Ban The Kid" petition, cause your a newb...your not a newb, but see my point?

Let me rehash it for the slow of learning


It amazes me that some people just dont get this concept, there are plenty of player ran boards for that crap. If you think a certin player should be banned, email the devs, dont spread bad stuff about them all over the boards.
Aug 08, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
cembandit, click message board, see the big lettering?
Well, it says:

Be Nice.

Also: this is not on a player ran board because the devs don't go to those boards, only a dev can ban someone.
Aug 08, 2003 Buckaroo link
I say: against banning Asus. Yes, it's true he really has got an attitude problem, but after reading the log I'll say that if you really want to ban him, ban at least two more players, too.

The log clearly shows that at least one player deliberatly tried to provoke Asus - by using similar insults.

So please, people - don't be hyprocites, the log in question doesn't show a clear black/white situation, on the contrary.

Another thing - please try to think about it and be intellectually honest - are you mad at Asus because he used a lot of insults or just because he tried to spoil the demolition derby?

I'm really not so sure about your motives - and due to the fact that the log shows several offenders, I say: ban either all of them or none - I personally prefer the second solution, and I really agree to Homestar Runner (eek - what a rare occasion) this things should be handled in game, instead of bringing it into the open in the forums.

BTW, Forum Moderator - how about a nice little lock?

Mark (Commander Jameson)
Aug 08, 2003 alienb1212 link
Cembandit, I disagree

We are simply coming together, not personally attacking Asus, but most of us are simply fed up with him, his conduct, and his choice of words.

I don't personally hate asus, but I really never see anything good come out of him, ever. His conduct in-game is not desirable to most other players.

I'll admit, I have a swearing problem also, however, I don't go on for periods of hours making racial slurs, and personally attacking everyone that pops up in the chat window.

I'm sorry if my posts have been taken in a negative way, but I am simply tired of asus's conduct, as is about 80% of the playing population. He has been warned, time and time again, and we've all seen it. He calms down when talked to by someone in authority, but scant minutes after someone pisses him off again, he's back to swearing and slurs.

I'm not here to debate that greifing/stalking/interrupting public events are against game laws, because they're not, however, continued personal attacks, and spamming slurs are. And, as asus has said many times, "I hope they fkg ban me, I don't really care" If he doesnt care, then whats the problem?

/me ends rant, goes to lunch
Aug 08, 2003 cembandit link
"simply coming together" does not make things right.
Group think has been shown to be chaotic and random :P

EiG simply "comes together". The salem witch hunters simply "came together" The Inquistion priests, simply "came together". The Nazis simply "came together".

What did you have for lunch?
Aug 08, 2003 alienb1212 link
/me doesnt think that HR knows that there could be such things as good groups...

<offtopic>A really nasty Tuna italian<ontopic>
Aug 08, 2003 cembandit link
Im about to have pure fluffy rice...kinda plain but Im in the mood for plain.
Aug 08, 2003 paedric link
I vote no for banning him. Yes, he is annoying, foul mouthed, and tactless. He throws "cheater cheater" accusations around a bit too easily, but banning will not keep him out of the game for long. Accounts are easy to set up at the moment. Action should be taken, I agree with that, but there are others who also use foul language in game. Should all these players be banned?

**Goes back to eating his Ultimate Cheeseburger(tm)**
Aug 08, 2003 The Kid link
... /me sees mod lock the thread
well we can always mute people...
Aug 08, 2003 Buckaroo link
Cembandit: well, the Inquisition itself was one of the foundations of the modern justice system, believe it or not :-)

(Before the Inquisition, there was nothing to stop the "moral majority" to lynch suspected heretics - no court, nothin. The Inquisition was founded to stop this, one of the intention really was to protect the innocents, so it was a kind of court - of course, not just from our point of view, nevertheless better than letting the public lynch suspected heretics)

And you've invoked Godwin's law (ask Google about it) - you lose :-P

Mark (Commander Jameson)
Aug 08, 2003 dsnentry link
/me agrees with the patition. I have been on many times and observed this behavior of Asus. I also agree with Icarus stating that he will just create a new char. He might. But he also might not. In a lot of Asus's talk, he says oveer and over again how much he hates the game. If he hates it soo much and gets banned from the game, maybe he will get a message. It is a chance we will have to take. I also have to disagree with Cembandit. We aren't being mean to Asus in a way. We are doing this for the best of everybody. Lots of us don't want the foul language and behavior of Asus. If you call this flaming you might want to get out a dictonary and look up the meaning of Flaming. I'm not saying we are right eaither. I ovserved many of you in the log acting the same way. When Asus said something offensive, one of you would yell something back that was uncalled for back. This is uncalled for too. But... all in all. i do agree with the patition and have to sign it.

The One And Only,
Aug 08, 2003 cembandit link
I asked google, Mark. Only a geek would know that stuff, or a nazi maybe. Geek nazis! Geek Nazis!

And the comparison was not about a person and nazi germany, but a mode of thinking (group think) and thus your claims of Godwin's law are invalid.

homestar "vernichtungtoeveryone" or "itsallfunngamestillsomeoneplaysthenazicard" runner