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Serco Phoul
I have a character as a serco pilot on vendetta online that i made over 2 years ago, i was starting to think of games i could play again seeing as i have time and this game popped into mind seeing as my computer would run it easily now, But i was curious how active the community still was, reply to the post and let me know how things have been goin!
Fairly well. Some new stuff.
It's too bad LMGTFY doesn't work on arbitrary sites.
Great to hear a Serco is returning...we need more to take back Deneb.
Just be sure to steer clear of ONE, if you want to play an actual Serco. They're a bunch of running ninnies who would gladly side with the Itani and TGFT.
Would? Uh, let's be clear on this: [ONE] constantly fights side by side with Itani, against Serco. They make the kinder and gentler [SCAR] look rugged and Serconian by comparison. If [ST6] was still active, they'd slaughter all [ONE] as a public service to the Serco Empire.
Oh look a hook with a worm on it!!!
If yer all so unsatisfied with ONE, by all means go ahead and make your own kickass, military RP oriented Serco guild.
Back on topic. Welcome back! Always good to see a returning red. Hopefully your stay this time will be more enjoyable.
Meet you out in the void,
Back on topic. Welcome back! Always good to see a returning red. Hopefully your stay this time will be more enjoyable.
Meet you out in the void,