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All-Nation War in SC9!!! Post everything here!!!

Jul 08, 2003 dragos link
aight, you just got my kill count a bit off(low)

the 1 in my name distorted where my stats were and confused me
Jul 08, 2003 cembandit link
Was fun, I played as my red, Strong Mad.

Jul 09, 2003 Usafunrunner link
Strong bad is a blue character, not red. Its not a big difference but I thought I'd point it out.
Jul 09, 2003 Eldrad link
Nytemayre... People have told me that you can't dodge them now. So I tested it and it can be done. I've done it since the most recent update so unless some how the swarm ai has been changed since it is possible.
Jul 09, 2003 Nytemayre link
Hmm. It seems harder. *shrug*

I'll see if i can't bait someone to launch a few racks of 'em at me.
Jul 10, 2003 ojok2 link
NOOO!!! the war ive been waiting for and i missed it!!

,,,, evil uplink with its addicting poweres.........
Jul 10, 2003 Kuvagh link
Swarms are harder to dodge now because people are using medium engines instead of heavy ones.

Jul 10, 2003 roguelazer link
No... I never used a heavy engine... Since 3.2 I've been using mediums and efficients... And they are now harder to dodge...
Jul 10, 2003 Eldrad link
Oh... asp you're probably right... I still use a hvy, cause I don't do much chasing, running, or trading.

ojok2.... it seemed to have a fairly limited amount of playability.

Why'd golds get such a high kill count? Well there were a lot more golds on for a significant portion of the time. For a long time it was me Pheonix, 3 reds and like 10+ golds. Then pheonix left.