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*** Your buddies: Admiral Stan, Aeternalis, Alex Rowe [INM], Angus Thermopile, Asp, Asphyxia, Atena Slane, baccaruda, Black 2, Blackhalk, Blackhole Goldclaw, Blaster, Blue Streak, Broma-Ba Slick, Calder, cdg, Celebrim, Charlie Manson, Ciuciu, Critical Error, Crow, Cybernut, Dankman, Dragos, Durgia, Eldrad, evoli, fh|spaceman, Finster, FiReMaGe, Gavan, Ghostwolf, GRAIG daOne, Hoax, Holdan, Incarnate, IRC, iry, Jan Rhapsody, Jestatis Bess, jiri, Katarn, Ku Genin, Lance Dragoncon, Lanzer, LeberMac, Lefthand Hummingbird, Lin, macguyitani, Mariner, Maso, mattb, Midknight Warrior, Miharu, momerath42, MonkRX, Moofed, Mufmaster, Myn_donos, Nerde Verde, Niki, Nikita, Obsidian, Phaserlight, pod, raybondo, RedStick, RelayeR, Romirez, Sage, sapo, SarahAnne, Shape, Sherpa, silentsuicide, Siyamak, sleon, Smittens, Solra Bizna, Spellcast, Spider, Starfisher, StarFreeze, Storm of Silence, Stukov, Suicidal Lemming, Thunderbird, toshiro, Whistler, White Wolf, Yasumoto, yoyo, [syn]n00b
Does "Charlie Manson" still play???
I vote roguelazer for the coolest list so far. Damn, some of those folks are old.
I'm the only one so far who has Waylon on their buddy list, though >.>
Yeah, what happened to Charlie Manson? He was the first person to teach me combat... He was awesome.
There are a lot of players behind alts. If they want you to know they're here, they'll let you know.