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Vendetta Manual Project

Jun 06, 2003 ctishman link
It's high time we got together and wrote a manual for the game. I've had about enough of people not knowing what to do, and having no fixed resource to direct them at. I don't mean a newbie's guide, I mean an honest-to-goodness manual, with illustrations, and specific explanations of game mechanics, published as a downloadable PDF. To do this, I advise that we get a fixed team, who is dedicated and knows the game like their own backyard. Your in-game reputation is of little consequence, so long as you provide valuable insight. The project will be logically organized, with deadlines for turning in segments, and a cohesive idea of what it will look like. when the project is finished. I'm working on a page for the project, and would like to hear from people who are interested. Note that this means you must have free time. If you don't think you'll have the time to dedicate to the project, don't volunteer.


Photographers: Go out and capture specific situations at the request of writers. This may require actual schedule coordination.

Writers: The actual meat of the manual. To do this, you must have a grasp on the mechanics of the English language that is more than just perfunctory. You must have a sense of how words flow, and how to to instruct another in what may seem instinctual actions to you.

Updaters: When Guild drops an update on our laps, you either ask a Dev, or barring that manually figure out what has changed , and inform the writers. An attention to detail some would call anal-retentative is a plus here.

General Support: This is a section where newbies can apply. We need all of your unabashed questions, no matter how dumb they may seem. Many of us who know the game well don't remember what it was like to be new and not know one radar from another.

I will be posting a website tomorrow sometime.
Jun 06, 2003 genka link
Actually I'm practicly done fixing the current manual, I just need to do two weapon descriptions, and all the screenies. It's basicly the old manual, only modernised.

So stop trying to steal my project >:\ (j/k)
Jun 06, 2003 Roger Ramjet link
Sounds good guys, anyhting to give people a hand with the first steps into the game
Jun 06, 2003 electric27 link
I might consider writing. Afterall, it's in my blood, both my parents write.
Jun 06, 2003 ctishman link
Really, Genka? That's awesome! Anything I can do to help it become complete sooner?
Jun 06, 2003 genka link
Could you take my finals for me? :-P

This (and the next)week is a bit of a rough one for me, I've got tests, finals, SATs(tomorrow! gah!), and the weather just got hot. If you want to finish it for me, and fix whatever mistakes I made, email me, and I'll send it to you. Or I could finish it up over the weekend.

Please pardon my spelling :)

[EDIT:]forgot to put the e-mail address.
Jun 06, 2003 ctishman link
Heh, it's in the 90s here, and I'm taking finals of my own :)
Jun 06, 2003 Arolte link
I made a Vendetta guide way back in 3.1.x. While most of it is outdated, it still has a bit of relevant information that might help you write the new guide. Feel free to steal some parts. SF upped it to his webspace and HTMLized it for your convenience:
Jun 06, 2003 ctishman link
Cool. Thanks for the material! :)
Jun 06, 2003 sheepdog link
I'm willing to help take photos and the what-not... I was going to make a movie guide... but i'd have to do that on my sister's computer (my laptop sucks). and it would take a long time. And who would really want a voice over with me talking? nothing is more annoying than a 15 year old kid telling you how to play.

But yeah... ill help with photos juts tell me what to shoot... iknow how to get really killer shots. such as this: really really really bad photo shoping out of stuff.

maybe ill take some shots on my little sisters comp..
Jun 06, 2003 Pyro link
*grumbles* There IS a movie guide! I can take pics too, if anyone needs...
Jun 06, 2003 Arolte link
Sheep, turn backgrounds off. They're just downright ugly in 16-bit mode.

/me sighs as he remembers how good the old backgrounds looked in 16-bit.