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Ummm... i'm wondering..

Jun 03, 2003 Urza link
In the new screenshots, some mention a terraformed planet. So the planets are livable... Soooooooo.. any chance that we get to do bombing runs or at least land on em?
Jun 03, 2003 Celebrim link
My guess is no.
Jun 04, 2003 roguelazer link
"All Combat in Vendetta will take place in space, mostly between ships of various sizes, but also potentially involving stations and the like. PvP will play a big part in the game, as will Player vs NPC combat, or a mixture of the two. Conflict may take place on a rage of scales, from a lone pirate raiding a lightly defended transport, to massive interstellar battles involving hundreds of ships."

Please note the first sentence. Hehehe.

Before asking too many questions. pls read IT IS DIFFERENT FROM THE FAQ. :D
Jun 04, 2003 sheepdog link
Landing on planets would be fun. having a 'home' planet to land and keep a military at would be cool. or navy. or what ever. But since we arnt going to have one.... i think we should... isnt this kinda like a inderect suggestion.

/me winks.
Jun 04, 2003 Celebrim link
Explain to me where we are going to put a 10,000,0000 m or 20,000,000 m diameter planet, and just how fun flying the 100,000,000 meters to get to land on one is going to be fun? How would you deal with the whole problem of the gravity well and the the 200,000 meters worth of atmosphere, not to mention the texture issues involved in a having a planetary surface?

I'd be plenty happy with a 30km asteroid, but I imagine that there are texture issues involved with that so I'm just courious if something around 3km diameter is doable.
Jun 04, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
There are places for realism, and there are places where it should not apply.

Think about it, in order for a race to survive they must:
a) be pretty advanced
b) have colonized a planet

We are all one but we were foolish to use an unstable wormhole that flung all 3 races out here, now we are fighting for survival. What would be the first thing you would do tyo survive? Colonize a planet and make a ship yard there? Or try to make a ship yard in space with your limited materials?
Jun 04, 2003 sheepdog link
/me agrees with sui.

and i thought of a way to solve the who gravity problem. (kinda)
What ships would have is like... hover fan things... and it would help them keep a certian distance over the ground with out moving... to the Space/Air craft can come to a complete stop over a planet.

And dudes! think about it! planetary defenses! flag ship patrols! imagen the chaos over a planet durning a flag cap!

/me is drooling.

that is if it happens.
Jun 04, 2003 ctishman link
Well, maybe a planetoid. I know that the engine's capable of atmospheric effects to some point (s7 station's smoke), it would be interesting to land at a small spaceport on a planetoid's surface.
Jun 05, 2003 sheepdog link
DUDE!!! you know... there is that startrek with the like spacestation that actually a planet on the inside... wait... this sounded better inmy head.

Maybe we just have pulto sized planets. eh?
Jun 05, 2003 Eldrad link
Pluto's diameter = 2,300,000m I don't think the engine could handle that, because people say that it's mucked up at 1,000,000m away from the center. Even if it could that means it would have a radius of about 7,200,000m, who want's to spend that much time trying to fly around it?

As for realism: None of the ships apear to be capable of planet fall. Pluto's escape velocity is 1,220m/s and the fastest engine's we have turbo for a short time at 200m/s. There fore though yes all the races probably have inhabatied planets none of us are going to be capable of landing on them, or taking off.

Yes it would be cool, I just don't think it makes sense in Vendetta, and I'm sure the devs don't want to do the kind of work that would be involved in making multiple planitary models that we could get close to.
Jun 05, 2003 Kuvagh link
There have been threads about planets before. It's true that they couldn't drop full-scale planets into the sectors and that flying to them would be boring. I could see something like a wormhole area with a tiny planet inside of it, though... Once you enter the wormhole area, there could be an animation and then *boom* you'd be planetside. It could probably function like an elaborate station with an inventory, etc...

Jun 05, 2003 Urza link
guys.. how do we know that 200 m/s means 200 meters/second

M could mean ANYTHING. including megauberdistance
Jun 07, 2003 Rabid Panda link
No, you will never be able to fly towards the planets >< why? I don't know, most likely because it would be to much. Also, I don't think there will ever be any real walking inside a station, like walking to the Weapons Shop, or the Traders Guild, ala PSO.
Jun 07, 2003 Caerdydd link
Planets is a bit far beyond realism, this is a space combat CTF style game.

I would like to see landing on Asteroids though.

It could be programmed so you dont show up on radar while landed, so you could hide out, but you would still be on the sector list, so players would still know you are around and could look for you.

You would also be a lot more vunerable while landed.
Jun 07, 2003 sheepdog link
it's not always going to be CTF style game dearies. plus, where in the hell do you think capships are going to come from, the things are about the size of a station, much bigger i think (its been awhile since ive been to 16) and i wouldnt think people would be landing in busses to a planet, and maybe there might be faster engines. and maybe you might only be able to land on a fraction of the planets surface so *cough* spaceports *cough* which would be goverment run and military only. You would have to have clearence to get there with out the planetary defenses kicking in or getting a warning. But what i mean by only a fraction of the planet you'd be able to land. plus, 200m/s is pretty slow for a spaceship, if its meters, it could be miles. or would that be mi? if its 200 miles/second planets would be no problem, resizing issues. But i like the wormhole to planet w/ landing/geting with in reasonable distance to land and explore the planet.
Jun 07, 2003 roguelazer link
Caerdydd: I agree with you entirely. Good post. It'd be kewl if you could mine the asteroids while landed, though. Nothing special, just a little drill comes outta your ship and you start making credits or widgets or something. Mmm.
Jun 07, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
I beleive a mining function will be implemented later in game rogue
mmmmm.....strip mining a popular roid...