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Jan 25, 2007 dreker link

Just jumped into the game.I used to play eve but that got too time consuming after a year.I play x3 once a week.

I will be sub for a least a month with my wifes approval by Sunday.

Easy to get into and it does not look like it will suck my life away.

YESSSS no more jumping 40 gates for an hour to get somewhere(eve).

Graphics has its highs and lows.It does not have the graphical flair of eve or darkstar but if the game is fun than the graphics can be overlooked

Does the game have a linear quest system or is their outcomes to what you do.Can I attack another station and be marked for death or hunted by that sector of space?.

Modding-I am looking to tinker with it a bit for the heck of it.I currently been using 3dsmax since 1(anybody remember when the yost group owned them?).I am version 8 and will not upgrade to version 9 until they put out an upgrade that does not look like a .0001 release.I also use realsoft for rendering(It faster in some instances to setup than using mental ray) and zbrush for all my normal maps and displacement mapping.

I see the docs say that you use max?. Would I need to use v9?(ugggh).

What would be the polycount for a fighter?1500-3000polys(could not find the count in the wiki).I usually use between 1,000,000-4,000,000 for normal map generation in zbrush for all the fussy details and merge it with my base objects.

Thanks for your time

Jan 25, 2007 Snax_28 link
Yeah there's no modding, aside from scripts that can automate in-game commands. There was a thread a while back where people were submitting models in a vain hope that the devs might pick up on them, but it never worked out.

The mission/quest system is a work in progress. There's no real multi mission quest system in place, but the framework is definately there, and most impressive is the player contributed mission tools (althouth as far as I know none have yet been implemented).

Also, I've been out of game since.... shit, a long time ago now.
Jan 25, 2007 dreker link
Thanks for the fast reply.

I want to mod just to see if I can make a ship under a certain spec.I do not even care to see it in game.I am used to modeling muscles,tendons-medical models with no constraints on pols(as long as the hardware can handle it).I just want to try to do something different with modeling.

The real reason I am here is to have fun with the game and modding is at the end of the list.

Jan 25, 2007 break19 link
You can, however, design your own interface, there are threads about that in some forum.. someone help me point the guy in the right direction please.
Jan 25, 2007 Capt.Waffles link
Edit: DOH!!! Lug-nut... Fixed it!

Here you go. This thread starts off with the old interface. But do some digging and it will explain some about the new interface, although it's not too different. Welcome aboard JL.
Jan 25, 2007 genka link
Waffles, man, that's the general forums you've linked to.
Jan 25, 2007 Whistler link
Well if he reads it, he'll know it all.

I think Waffles meant the Skins threads.