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Stupid new dueling idea.

May 25, 2003 electric27 link
It's called bullfighting, and it goes like this:
One player is the bull and the other is tha matador. The bull gets in an unarmed Promy, the matador in a smaller ship, maybe a vulture. The bull must turbo charge into the matador. The matador must dodge out of the way and shoot his tachys at the bull. This continues until sombody dies. I got the idea when Razors Edge charged me in his Promy when I was in a bus.

P.S. I think this would be more appropriate in the Role Playing thread, but not as many people check that as this one.
May 26, 2003 ctishman link
Uh, shouldn't the bull have rockets, or something appropriately deadly at low range?
May 26, 2003 Eldrad link
ummm... this would be like real bull fighting... the matador would always win if they were at all good. There's no way you could turbo into a aware vulture. Also the way the bashing damadge works is wierd I've been hit by someone at top speeds and taken no damadge.
May 26, 2003 electric27 link
Damn you all and your logic.
May 26, 2003 maac_ link
So be the matador in a bus. It is not so easy to avoid a prom with a bus, and also it has less hull so a few 'cornas' can kill the matador. The roids could act as the fences, so if the 'toro' can launch the matador against the roids he'll die quickly :-DD
I find it damm fun.
May 26, 2003 CSZeus link
now that would be cool... although you'd have to let the bus get, say, a heavy battery and a graviton blaster. Otherwise it would take way too long.

May 26, 2003 Nytemayre link
I think its a cool idea. Haven't seen it in practice, but it should be funny to watch.