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Weapon Balance

May 22, 2003 Nalar link
I really like the last update. By matching a lot of weapons velocity, I now have a lot more options on my energy weapon config.
May 22, 2003 Celebrim link
May 22, 2003 Arolte link
I like it too. Tachyons are now meant for high agility ships, allowing more shots to be fired, but at a cost of 50 less damage from the previous version. The Gravitons are now the preferred choice of weapon for lower agility ships, due to its higher strength and energy consumption. It's hard to keep a bead on another craft in a heavy, so it would make more sense to make it a slow-firing, strong weapon. The weapons aren't 100% perfectly balanced now, but I think this was a large step in the right direction.

Unfortunately, however, the ships were left untouched. Even the slightest adjustment of lowering the Promy's agility and increasing the Hornet's agility would've gone a long way. Alas, the ship balance update is at least a week and a half to two weeks away, which is a lot longer than I had anticipated. I guess there's nothing much we could do than to wait even longer.

May 22, 2003 Celebrim link
I saw the update as being a very mixed bag.

On the good side, the gauss and the plasma now both approach the point of being usable.

On the down side, the blasters looked totally muddled to me and by and large lost any particular flavor. The Graviton and the Tachyon are slightly different, but I think the differences are so minor that their won't be any noticable operational effect to using either one. I semi-agree with Arolte's assessment but want to note that weapons with higher damage/shot are always slightly favored of any 'sharpshooter' regardless of the agility of his ship. But otherwise, the tachyon's slight energy efficiency advantage and slight cycling rate advantage are going to make it ever so slightly superior for general use. But ever so slightly.