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Frigate entering the system

May 16, 2003 Urza link
when the frigate enters the system, the system freezes. really, really annoying. I mean really annoying. I assume it's because the game has to load a lot of info or something, then model the frigate. Is there any way to fix this? any way at all?

Now.. for an idea because i'm too lazy to make a new thread in suggestions... Would it be possible to have the frigate spawn way out int eh middle of no where, so that it takes 15 minutes to reach the center of the sector? No turning involved, just spawns, flys straight, then stops. This would be a bit more interesting than the spawn in teh middle of the sector from no where
May 16, 2003 a1k0n link
Actually, we could just precache the model when you start the game. Alternatively, and probably better, it should precache the model when you enter the sector and are still in the "Loading" screen. Hmm. Yes, that would be good.
May 16, 2003 CrazySpence link
very good, ive had that freezing thing happen before too heh
May 16, 2003 CrazySpence link
however maybe it should at the beginning because in the distant future when people can actually have these you dont want the game to freeze everytime a cap ship jumps in heh
May 16, 2003 raybondo link
well, it should only 'freeze' once. Then the resources for the frigate are loaded forever after until you exit and rerun Vendetta.

Having the frigate move is not possible right now because the parenting info for the turrets isn't perfect yet.
May 17, 2003 luther349 link
oh well i never bother that thing anyways. i care less abought npc stuff. when i can fly that bad boy i will be happy. bedcides those turets would rip my small fighter apart. i have enough fun getting whiped by players. lol ships in this game are far from being strong. but if they put in shilds it would make ships alot btter frankly battels are way to short and ships are way to weak. and dont get me started on the horrid power managment. ah well as this game progresses im shure they will be more advanced ships but in after all this is still a test ver of the game. even with all the downsides i still like this game.
May 17, 2003 Urza link
Well... if you've seen the frigate once, are you saying it wont freeze again when it spawns? I could be wrong, but i saw it, watched it b00m, then froze when it respawned.
May 17, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Urza, it might be the sudden flood of data for the 21 turrets and the frigate, it needs to send you bounty info, location info, other micellanous info, facing degree info, etc. Then your comp needs to process the info.
May 17, 2003 Arolte link
Well actually the bounties are already reset automatically the moment they die (even if they don't respawn). Just thought I'd let you know.

May 17, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Not the frigates.
May 17, 2003 roguelazer link
It does freeze when it respawns, and it's kinda annoying. The whole sector just goes <<pop>> and nothing moves for three or four seconds, then it all starts back up again and you may be up to half a kilometer away. Annoying.