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Amount of non-scoring players

May 09, 2003 sheepdog link
i only use one char.... yay. i only need one because i am that loyal to teh gold nation.
May 09, 2003 Arolte link
w00t, sheepdog! And that's why we treat you like a brutha.
May 09, 2003 Osama link
I reckon that some ppl might use multiple chars exactly for the reason that they can be in separate teams...
Also I have 2 chars that are just holding some pretty nice name that i might wanna use later.
Maybe the max number of chars should be 3?
May 09, 2003 UncleDave link
There needs to be more WYSIWYG about players. I am UncleDave of Serco, will never EVER use another char unless for a very good reason. I trade, pirate and duel under the same name, so does Arolte and many others, and I dont see why EVERY player shouldnt do that. Its an RPG. You build your own character, and you shouldnt have the right to just switch when the going gets tough.

I have a cunning solution to stop spies and beggars etc. You cant chat unless you have 300 points. You cant see the chat without 300 points. Until then, youre on your own.

Any player that has 0 points shuold be deleted after 48 hours.
May 09, 2003 Chanur link
Ditto on that, UncleDave. I'm sticking with Serco, even if we are dead last on every ranking catagory. ;)

Despite that, I don't really mind the multiple characters.
May 09, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
mmhhh me is a very itani person, but still has a nice trading char on gold, they are traders for god sake, when I want to do some trading, then I go trading on that character, but my prime char is self sufficient. it could be possible that I don't want to take millions out of my prime char to do some off the newbiehunterkillings , but we will see. Maybe I will even start as gold to get my experience back from 3 months ago and then start making my prime char. But we wll se , it will depend of my time available and the inclination that I have after my work is done.


Besides I have a couple of other Itani chars just to do some of my later undercoveroperations with :D, just like the Erinyesguild has :D
May 09, 2003 The Kid link
0 score n00bs can't see chat or chat? I mean, where do they get their help? The (lazy?) devs haven't updated the manual yet.
May 09, 2003 Whistler link
I think that there should be a special version 2.45 server for people who call the devs "lazy". They can go play there and enjoy an experience which is totally supported by the manual. Won't that be fun?
May 09, 2003 Cmdr. Freeman link
I think the final game will have a lower char limit than this, but it *is* a TEST now, so everyone needs to be able to test aspects of every nation - hence why you can have multiple characters spread across the nations.

Besides, nation loyalty at this point in the game's development is an overrated waste of time.

I only use one character because that's what people know me as, not because I choose to support one nation.
May 09, 2003 Arolte link
Umm... I wouldn't call 'em lazy. Creating a whole new manual (or even updating from 3.1.x to 3.2.0) would take a lot of time. Problem is they don't really have that time, especially with E3 coming up right around the corner. I'd much rather they squash bugs and fix balance issues before creating a detailed manual. Keep in mind that this is also still a test of a game. Expect some things to be slightly rudimentary and in constant change. If anything, I think the devs would appreciate a little hand from the community in creating guides or manuals for Vendetta. Getting new players started quickly will most certainly help in the testing of this game.
May 09, 2003 Pyro link
The n00bs should watch my f*cking training video... :P
May 09, 2003 ctishman link
you should post the URL to your video in a real format.
May 09, 2003 haywired link
By "a real format", do you mean a better format then it already is in, or in Realplayer format?
May 09, 2003 Pyro link
It's at It's in MPEG4...
May 11, 2003 EarthMkII link
Whistler, I'd actually enjoy that... but then I'm a sucker for nostalga.

Personally, I think the system's ok the way it is.
May 11, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Hehe, that would be fun to try out for a day, powerups!!!!!!!!