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Do you think the Prom's armor should be lowered?

May 04, 2003 Urza link
I'm looking for a vote. a simple yes or no answer. say anything else and i'll ask a dev to remove your post. This is just to give them an idea about how much we want this without reading a bunch of crap in other forums.

Pick which suggestion you want:

A) Yes! take it down to 22000 armor!
B) Yes! take it down to 24000 armor!
C) NO! dont fuc* with my ship!

FIne fine fine. i'll make it fair.
Devs, please deleat Freeman's post.

My vote: A
May 04, 2003 Arolte link
A or B
May 04, 2003 Cmdr. Freeman link
Don't slant the poll by calling it "unfair." This isn't CNN asking about a tax cut.

I don't care what the h**l happens, but I'm sure everyone will be whining for the armor to be brought back up as soon as the frigates come (if they lower the armor of the Promy at all). The Promy is probably going to turn out to be the only thing powerful enough to make repeated assaults on capital ships.

In short, I oppose lowering the armor because I think people will simply want it raised later.
However, I favor lowering the armor because it'd make it easier for me to kick the sh*t out of verious Promy drivers in my Valk (that's my selfish side talking, so take it as you see fit).

If this gets deleted, it will reappear. I will NOT be silenced. I am not violating any forum policies at all. I am just warning everyone that you will all probably want the armor upped again come frigate-time.
May 04, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
Id say B, 2 nukes should be able to take the thing out, but not so much lower armor to nerf it.
May 04, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
May 04, 2003 Phoenix_I link
May 04, 2003 furball link
I say delete this entire post and either A) delete Sam's account or B) Fine Sam 1,000,000 credits for the attempt to use such biased language to slant the post.

In other words, I HATE spin like that with A MAJOR passion!
May 04, 2003 Celebrim link
I wonder what you are trying to prove with such an unfair poll, Urza? Do you honestly think that the devs are so stupid as to see this as poll as the desires of the community? I wonder why you think the Devs exist to silence other peoples opinions? I wonder why you think those are the only and best choices?

Fact of the matter is that my vote is 'D - None of the above', and further that I couldn't answer any poll on the subject of reblancing the Promy without knowing whether or not the Valk and the Pizza cutter were also going to lose armor during the rebalancing.
May 05, 2003 LaMas link
May 05, 2003 SirCamps link
I agree with furball and Celebrim, Urza, you ought to be ashamed for using the language you did on the forum, as well as your blatantly biased answers. I choose not to answer, but instead, refer to my opinion on the other promy poll.
May 05, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
A or B
May 05, 2003 roguelazer link
D) No thank you, I am declining to answer any biased posts