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The Final Pre-Release Escort/Pirate/HiveHunt/Mine/Guard-Miners Group-Mission Bug Thread

Jan 31, 2006 MSKanaka link
I'd like to point out that in the case of several Hive bots (most notably Queens on the test server) attacking players is rather low on their priority list—I myself have attacked several Hive Queens without being attacked back by them because of this.

Generally, one would assume that the priority of *any* NPC/Hive bot is that priority that would give it the best chance of survival; in the case of trader NPCs, it would be running while in the case of the escort NPCs and the hive bots, the proper priority would be to fight back.

However, I have checked such things when I go botting on the test server (yes there is a command, no I'm not sharing ;), and usually "Engage Miharu" is somewhere around 40 on the priority list for Hive Queens—for other bots that are following me around, it's closer to 2 or 3.

I think that the first priority is generally "go to waypoint <x> <y> <z>" for all NPCs.

I'll post an example of this data sometime when I get a chance to go ingame, probably later tonight.
Jan 31, 2006 momerath42 link

This is neither an actual bug, nor part of the new missions. It is part of the low level bot behavior, which is not something we are working on right now. I can tell you, though, that all bots which are 'brave' (including all Hive bots), will go after the ship that has done the most damage to them. I'm guessing you read the list of priorities as high-priority at the top, whereas it is actually the number next to it that indicates the priority (higher-num == higher-prio). At any rate, I'm going to wait for you to reply and then delete your post and mine, since they are off-topic here.