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Test Server Status

Jan 15, 2006 CrazySpence link
Sedina I9 appears to be screwed up on the test server as I cannot enter it it just sits at the login screen until i /logoff

also the escort mission one ship was killed by the pirates yet the ending mission said I did not lose a single ship
Jan 15, 2006 vitrify link
Had the same thing happen. During the jump to Sedina I-9 the Loading Screen froze each time I tried to enter I-9 after Log Off.
Jan 15, 2006 Chikira link
The Ecsort mission runs perfectly, no bugs at all for me. However I did experience the same issue with the I9 mission, but after two or three tries it finally let me threw and from there it was a thing of beauty.
Jan 15, 2006 ctishman link
None of my characters have ever been able to get the escort nor pirate missions. Are there some requirements I don't meet?
Jan 15, 2006 sissoko link
ctish: i think the missions are just taken offline by momerath for tweaking... same happened to me the last 5 times i was on :(
Jan 15, 2006 momerath42 link
There's a just-above-neutral standing req. There's also still a bug with the mission menu. Logging off and back on usually solves that. I'm going to go to bed soon, but I'll make sure everything is running on the test server before I do. Also, that Border mission in I9 was really just me having a little fun, and showing off how easy it is to make group missions now. We'll do it right in the near future, but it's not going to be part of this release.
Jan 16, 2006 Chikira link
ok new bug arrizing with the escort mission, after running one succesful mission the server didnt recognize the end of the cycle and replayed it over and over, even after I aborted the misison in k13. I think its just not recognizing the user data hopefully its a simple issue.

good luck, and was chatting with Inc on the test server, asked me to get this info to you for him.

anyway, hopefully its just a small bug.
Chikira out
Jan 17, 2006 momerath42 link
I'm sorry Chikira, I didn't quite follow that. Are you saying, you did the escort mission, it didn't end (it was listed as active in the mission menu), and that you received messages as though you were taking further escort missions, even after aborting the mission manually?! I never encountered anything like this, and can't really imagine how it could have happened, so the more details the better. Did you get countdown messages for missions beyond the first?
Jan 17, 2006 CrazySpence link
Yesterday I took a convoy mission and the pirates did not pursue
they just sat at the wormhole doing nothing

Also it would be benificial if people taking the pirate/convoy missions appeared red to the opposite sides on the radars as it is difficult to sift through the ships infront of you looking for a hostile
Jan 18, 2006 momerath42 link
Hello all,

As usual, going has been slower than my estimates, but it progresses nevertheless. I've just updated the test server with my latest code; only the escort and pirate missions will be available, and they, only in Sedina K-13 and D-14 again. Most of what I've changed in the last few days has to do with the escort and pirate missions (especially the pirate mission), so that is what really needs testing.

The pirate mission now gives you time to return with the cargo after the convoy is destroyed or arrives. It also informs you of the location of the convoy as it warps and says something like "there's the XangXi now" when it enters the sector with you. I hope both of these will help with the problems people have had identifying their targets. Obviously we also need to make them red (or even some special mission-target color) on your radar, but that is probably going to have to wait for the new client to go into production. The reward mechanisms for both missions have also been fixed up quite a bit, though the values still need to be set with game balance and the economy in mind.

I'm not aware of any actual bugs with the escort or pirate missions at this time (but then, I'm pretty sleepy). So, please, if you encounter anything you think might be a bug, post here.

Jan 19, 2006 Chikira link
To clarify, the mission did re-run its cycle as in it remained active after the abort, I got messages saying, the convoy is jumping to sedina b-8, stay close and I had already finished it. Might have been a noe time occurence but all that happened was that the mission never ended and recognized the abort even after the mission was already over.

Hope that clears things up if not lemmie know,
Chikira out
Jan 19, 2006 momerath42 link
Hmm. OK, you escort the convoy to the end.
1) did you get rewarded?
2) was the first message of the new "cycle" about the convoy jumping to b8 or was there a countdown/'the convoy is underway'?
3) did you get rewarded after that cycle?

I'm hypothesizing that one of the traders damaged itself and redocked several times, and when the rest of the convoy docked, it became the leader, and you were told its position as it traversed the route after you. But this would be shot down if you got rewarded and/or got any messages in the second "cycle" other than location info.

Thanks for helping me test all; we're almost there!
Jan 19, 2006 roguelazer link
Hmm. When I took this escort mission, I became +1000 with every faction, then the (new) client froze up. I wonder if that's a bug?
Jan 19, 2006 momerath42 link
The +1000 thing is a kludge for testing purposes as some people were getting themselves KOS with xangxi or corvus and not being able to take further missions.

Edit: I'd prefer that testing be done with the old client, btw. It just limits the possible causes of bugs and could keep me from spending time chasing down a bug I can't reproduce with the production client.
Jan 19, 2006 Chikira link
1) No reward that I know of. I got a faction boost with the Xang XI thou.
2) *conovy leaving in 30 seconds* and then *convoy jumping to b8, stay close*

Your welcome for the help Momerath and ill test it out again for you to see if I encounter the same problems, when will the missions be on the test server again?
Jan 19, 2006 momerath42 link
I've just put in a mechanism that should start a pirate or escort mission when you warp into a station sector where one could otherwise be available. It won't start more than one in ten minutes, though, to prevent congestion and target-confusion. I'm pretty sure it's working properly. If you can't find missions, let me know.
Jan 20, 2006 Chikira link
They worked fine, problem solved ^^ good work momerath, however I don't think we can rule out that same sequence of events 100% of the time until other people have tested it again and again.