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Finding queens in Sedina?

Nov 05, 2005 mainbutter link
Okay, so like after the levis were released I had no trouble finding queens at all in Sedina. In fact I distinctly remember having difficulty because I wanted to find ONE at a time and there would often be two or three to a sector.

Today, after 8 weeks of being at school and logging no more than 2 hours into VO, I decided to try and go get that queen killing badge. Low and behold I check every single asteroid sector in Sedina(at least, I don't THINK I missed any), and a couple I checked twice. I could not find a single queen.

I did find some sectors with like 20 collectors and 10 assaults, but still no queens. There was even like 2 sectors with guardians, but still not a single queen anywhere.

Did something change while I was gone and I just didn't catch the notice?
Nov 05, 2005 incarnate link
Someone Deliverator-savvy (Michael) will have to answer this. It's possible that the bastion state isn't being reached by the Hive in any sectors. This could be because of recent convoy-related changes (ie, a bug) or because the Hive is simply being held in check by diligent pilots.

Even if there's no bastions, it should still be possible to find queens in the Leviathan sector, if you really want to run that gauntlet. Regardless, I'm curious why there aren't any queens elsewhere. We either need to A) fix something or B) tweak some numbers for Hive site escalation.
Nov 05, 2005 Spellcast link
in all probability smittens is the problem.. =D

he's been killing the levi for samo so all the hive bots are dying. I know several other players have been queening as well.

To avoid this difficulty mainbutter, there is a very simple solution.


the queens in the rest of the universe use the old code of 1 sector per system at a time.

head over to nation space, locate a collector sector.. shoot (but do not kill) 2 so they follow you, then zoom around until one of the mining collectors heads for deep space.

follow it and make note of where it goes... theres a queen at its destination.
Nov 05, 2005 momerath42 link
I'm afraid we still have a bug causing bots to vanish. We're doing our best to find it. Yesterday I left things broken for several hours on the production server trying to find a pattern to the inconsistencies, but I don't think we've got it yet. In the meantime, we restarted deliverator last night, and things look OK right now (ie there are lots of queens in sedina).
Nov 05, 2005 smittens link
I've only killed two so far (Stupid/Kickass Battlefront, no offense Devs), but a1k0n blew one last night
Nov 08, 2005 Lil Jon link
"I've only killed two so far (Stupid/Kickass Battlefront, no offense Devs), but a1k0n blew one last night"

Nov 08, 2005 momerath42 link
I'm reasonably certain the Hive is working properly now. Destroying a queen in a bastion should result in retreat. Killing the Levi should result in total Hive destruction, and a new stronghold/levi in 6 hours. There is still an issue with convoys getting lost, but we have a lead, and this will hopefully be fixed tonight.