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Very frustrated newbie.

Oct 11, 2005 Cunjo link
>>"In a heavy ship.. FA is almost suicide, it takes away too many of your dodging options by limiting you to half a hemisphere of movement."<<

depends on your weapon setup. with a combination of AGT and rockets (a good combo for some medium to heavy fighters) Flight Assist can bring you in close enough to eat the opponent with the AGT very quickly, or help you close quickly for rocketing. If someone with energy backrolls against you in a heavy AGT/rocket ship, there's no way you can beat them without Flight Assist, or a lot of turboing/luck.

At the levels celery mentioned, you're best off not using large weapon port weapons for PvP, as there really isn't much that is effective (what's the lvl for AGT/Screamer/Ragnaok?) as you gain levels, and access to better ships/weapons, large-port weapons will become more feasible. for now, stick to energy for PvP Neutrons, or, if you need more maneuvering power, the Phaser is very light and energy-efficient - TPG SParrow are best.

I use a Saitek joystick set, so maneuvering is significantly dirrernt... I do recommend a joystick for it's linear roll control (better control than boolean keystrokes), but if you can live without that, then using a keyboard really shouldn't be any less effectiev for you... you just need to get accustomed to whatever you're going to use.
Oct 14, 2005 foldedplaces link
I've been playing on and off for a few months now. The game is kinda fun. But, as a newbie, there are aspects of the game that are a REAL pain.

There is too much donkey work trying to reach higher fighting levels. I understand the benefit of practicing against bots. But, it's constant bot-bashing with piddling weapons. It's B-O-R-I-N-G. Having to work through the B-S to get weapons good enough to even challenge another player takes waaaaaaaay to long.

Make a way for newbies to go against each other, or at least make a good campaign, or five, that would give new characters a way to gain faster XP (both new players and experienced players could use a fast track, for crying out loud). How about both border raid and border guard missions made for lower levels? Or multi-step missions to be combined with the regular bot-killing, EV-style? Make earlier "big" missions, with goals, giving more XP?

I only get to play a few hours a week. I don't feel like having to kill bot after bot after bot after bot after bot after bot..... Even earning your way as a trader is easier to reach higher levels.
Oct 14, 2005 icbm1987 link
Huh... yeah... it's a pain. Try to get someone experienced to help you level... Shape can kill bots really fast...
Oct 17, 2005 harvestmouse link
*jokingly* hey, these fighting tactics work in real life...

*hides from Shape.*
Oct 17, 2005 Shapenaji link
*Chases teh Ev*

"I'll have you know I pirated for oxford!"

*stops for afternoon tea*
Oct 18, 2005 Cunjo link
Folded, see if you can get some itani or Serco to take you on an extended border patrol mission... you can go in a group and even take shifts killing bots to get a lot of XP with minimal effort (well, the effort can be divided up so only the more experianced, high-level players need put forth much)