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Current Status of Vendetta and Community and Goodbye for now.

Apr 19, 2003 furball link
Ok, it pains me to write this but for the time being, I'm going to be leaving you all.

3.2 the game is GREAT however, due to imbalances that the devs already know about (specifically the blue special ship), and due to the lack of control by Phoenix and Starfreeze, the game has basically become unplayable by non blues. And I for one am ashamed of both of em. I thought they were better than this. I am wrong. :(

It's not even 24 hours since the release and already we're having major dick measuring contests. I had HOPED that we all would take the oppurtunaty of 3.2 to LEARN about the game and how it's been changed and provide the devs with input on what is balanced and unbalanced. Well, in that regard, the blue special ship is HIDEOUSLY unbalanced. IMNSHO, if you're going to have high manveruablity, you give up something... be it hit points or weapon slots or something. Instead, within 4 hours of release, Star Freeze and Phoenix are already killing everyone that they can. Instead of everyone going out, finding out which weapons rock, what's the best trade route, where are the hidden sectors/stations, etc we've got major fighting going on.

And for what? Just so that someone can claim they are the "best". It honestly sickens me... To see the work that the devs put into 3.2 be WASTED as it is right now...IMNSHO, it's slap in their face to be acting this way. And I personally will not be a party to it.

So in closing, good luck everyone, enjoy 3.2 if you can, and if you're blue, I'd suggest that you not use the blue special fighter against other people as IMNSHO, it's unfair. Never fear, I WILL be back when the blue ship is not so unbalanced. In the mean time, blues, do enjoy it while it lasts.
Apr 19, 2003 Arolte link
I second that. The Blue special ship is just WAY TOO UNBALANCED. It's not so much that they're strong or anything, but their maneuverability is just way too high. At the very least they need to be brought down to a medium level. If not that, The Neutral Territories and Serco BOTH need a fighter that can fight back. But for now 3.2.0 just isn't fun with StarFreeze and Phoenix being... well, I'd rather not say the word here. I urge the devs to fix this by whatever means necessary and as soon as possible. It's just ruining it for the rest of us.

For now, I'd like to wish the devs a happy Easter holiday. =)
Apr 19, 2003 bob111 link
Ya, Phoenix was sitting in sector seven blowing eveeryone up that cam through, and star freeze was just capping flags all over...
Apr 19, 2003 The Kid link
And phoenix is still camping outside s7 station as I speak...
Apr 19, 2003 Urza link
might i ask about the stats on YOUR ships?
Apr 19, 2003 The Kid link
medium agility, 18k hull, 3 small ports
Apr 19, 2003 Phoenix_I link
Might I mention, that these are only golds complaining here? They can't take a loss. Blue Special ship lost Cargo space AND weapon space. And for your information, I found a hidden station. I was fighting a gold earlier that was in a hornet and he took me down to 12% in my Special ship before I blew him up. In my opinion the Blue Special ship needs at least 1 Large weapon port.
Apr 19, 2003 ctishman link
We Serco don't complain because we've got no money to fight a war with the Itani or Thousand Sons. Our trade route is so ungodly long that we have to scrounge for every stray credit, which leaves us no room to fight unless actively harassed.
Apr 19, 2003 furball link
Sam the Gold special ship is 18K hull, medium manvureablty, and 16 cargo hold.

WEEE... 16 cargo hold.. wow.. that means that phoenix can get more cargo from us.. weee....

Oh and we only get 3 guns too.

Oh and Phoenix.. weee.... you can go stroke your dick now because you drove a vet from the game... Ok.. feel good? I'm quite sure it does!

My apologies to those that are insulted by my graphical use of the english language.
Apr 19, 2003 Urza link
with all that cargo, you should get low manuveralbility! i'd kil for it.
Apr 19, 2003 Arolte link
IMO it doesn't make sense how the Marauder (aka "pizza cutter") has medium agility when it has six engines and it's tiny. I'd sacrifice cargo space for agility any day. And I think ALL "special" ships should have that capability, to swap cargo ports and weapon ports for agility. Are the modular ports in 3.2.0? I wasn't quite sure what the concept of it was. It seemed more like an external graphic thing. But I'm guessing it has something to do with being able to make any ship into a fighter, bomber, or trading ship (at least to some degree). It doesn't seem like 3.2.0 has that yet. When they are in, can we have the option of choosing a light, medium, or heavy hull for each of our special ships? The other ships that are available to all nations shouldn't be customizable though. Only each of the special ships. I think that would help balance the gameplay A LOT.
Apr 19, 2003 Celebrim link
I am totally against wasting ship models by lumping some large group into 'bad ships' and some group into 'good ships'. There is no since in going to all that effort to create a ship model and not create something that people want to fly.

The ideal game features dozens of ship designs all of which are different and which are used with nearly equal frequency depending on the personality (or role) of the pilot. Think Btech with 17 different tonnage classes each of which can be configured in 2-4 excellent and useful manners depending on your desires. Even if we limit ourselves to 3025 tech thats 50+ viable designs each of which has a real role in battle (as anyone whose played a Btech MU* knows).
Apr 19, 2003 CrazySpence link
Id rather have a hornet, 4 small weapons ports medium agility only 10k hull but im sure someone like khral or charlie manson could level even the blue ship with it oh and the 10k cost vs the 21k of the valkrie means you do more monetary damage to your oppenent
Apr 19, 2003 Pyro link
What I'd like to see is something like the outfitting in EVN. Basically, you have a set amount of cargo space and a set amount of outfit space per ship, along with a maximum for turrets and guns (for example, 3 guns and a turret). You can buy conversions for outfit to cargo space or cargo to outfit space, at a rate of something like 12 to 10. Each outfit, including jammers, afterburners, batteries, and the like takes up a certain amount of outfit space. For example, a light blaster is 3 tons, a medium is 6, and an afterburner is 5. The light blaster has a shorter range and lower damage than the medium blaster, but fires more quickly. Also, a good deal of the energy weapons (like blasters) DON'T drain your energy, which is one of the things I dislike about Vendetta (I can't seem to find a gun with highish damage, low energy consumption, and a fast rate of fire). If you want to trade, load up on mass to cargo conversions. If you want to fight, load up on cargo to mass conversions. You can also buy outfits that increase the amount of guns or turrets you can hold. My favorite cheap ship, the mod starbridge, holds about 4 guns and 2 turrets, has about 25 tons of cargo space (not a ton, but enough), and a good amount of outfit space, while still being manueverable. I tend to use the thunderhead lance with it. The thunderhead lance is a beam weapon with incredibly short range, but it deals good amounts of damage and doesn't use up your energy (I use that for my afterburner).
Edit: Wooo... Long post... I'm all dizzy now... :P
Apr 19, 2003 haywired link

EV Nova had an awesome implementation. I think 3.2 is closer to it than the previous versions, but it needs something to make all ships worth using (depending on the task).

(I would also like to see station bars :D )
Apr 20, 2003 Pyro link
Ooo... Station bars would be great... Missions, escorts, and gambling, anyone? :P
Apr 20, 2003 Phoenix_I link
I'm confused, gold wants a warship, yet thier a neutral nation? I hear golds whining all the time because they have a cargo ship for special. Well DUH if you're neutral, then your a trader by definition, If you don't like it switch teams. Anyway The Advanced Blue Fighter really isn't that great if you've used it against someone with avalon torps, or 3 rail guns. But since everyones whining, I'd be willing to make a compromise. Keep maneuverabilty, cargo and weapon ports the same, but drop the hp 2000-4000 points. that way 1 avalon torp could take it down, or 3-4 rail gun hits. (grouped in 3's)
Apr 20, 2003 roguelazer link
Set the hp to ~12000 and that'll do it. Otherwise, the valk is fine.
Apr 20, 2003 Pyro link
Yeah, that'd probably be good. Looks purty, too... :P
Apr 20, 2003 Icarus link