Heads Up Display

Message Window
This displays any game or network related messages. This includes public chat messages from other players, private chat messages from individuals, channel chat messages, and game-relevant status updates such as scores and deaths. The Mission tab contains any mission-related messages you receive. Since only one tab is active at a time, any messages from the inactive tab will be flashed briefly underneath this panel. (details)
Target Information
This displays data about the enemy or object you currently have selected. On the top line you will see the enemy's name. The second line shows the distance to the selected object in meters. The third line displays their distance and faction alignment.
Damage Indicator
The Damage Indicator displays the present state of your ship. The hull-display shows which areas of your ship have taken damage, from green (undamaged) through red (heavily damaged). The percentage meter shows the overall percentage of remaining hull integrity across your entire ship.
The top of this window also displays how many credits you have and your ship's current mass.
Radar (front and rear)
The Radar displays what is currently around you in space. This can include asteroids, other players, missiles, stations, etc. The "front" or forward radar displays the hemisphere of space in front of your ship, the "rear" or stern radar displays the hemisphere behind. (details)
Tactical Display
The tactical area of the HUD shows your current speed, amount of available turbo / weapons energy, as well as your targeting crosshairs. See details for a more in-depth description of this important display. (details)
The Equipment window shows which addons are configured on your ship. If you have different weapon groups configured, the currently-selected weapons will be highlighted. (details)
The Navigation system displays your current sector location and the distance to the nearest object. (details)