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Vendetta Online 1.8.724

VO 1.8.724 includes:

- Fixed crash on Android when exiting.
- Added more analytics to help track down client issues.

This may seem pretty like a pretty light update, but there have also been some non-game improvements over the past week:

- Fixed errors preventing people with browser translation from logging into the website. Other, related site improvements are still on-going.
- Substantially improved Newsletter deliverability and email infrastructure.

Sending email Newsletters has never been an easy thing to manage, and some players complained that our message from last month showed up in their Junk folder, so we've done some updates to potentially improve that throughput for the next one. We'll probably be sending out more Newsletters throughout the coming year.

Social media has become increasing bizarre over the last decade, to the point where reaching our own followers has become infeasibly expensive, and as a result, direct email is effectively the only way we can actually talk to our own players anymore (other than Discord). So, if the Newsletters are something you want to receive, be sure and add the "noreply@vendetta-online.com" address to your personal Address Book, that usually helps.

For anyone who missed last month's Newsletter, you can also find it online here:
