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Vendetta Online 1.8.665-667

The most recent release appeared tonight, with a variety of others over the last few weeks:

VO 1.8.667
- A player forfeits their active duel if they fly into a NFZ, and cannot challenge or accept a duel while inside a NFZ.
- Fixed some Lua errors related to the UI.

VO 1.8.666.1
- Fixed a bug with a Linux version, where some devices might randomly choose the prototype Vulkan renderer over the GL4 renderer, on first runtime.

VO 1.8.666
- Four new custom-made missions available in various trees.
- Added calibration curve options to arbitrary joystick axes on Linux, located in the "Calibration Settings" button of each axis.
- Training stations are no longer included in the Daily Trade Reports.
- The virtual keyboard no longer disappears when a mission update appears on the HUD while typing.

VO 1.8.665/.1
- One new custom-made mission.
- Added history logs to Access Keys, recording who gave/revoked keys and changed access rights.
- Fixed Account Conversion menu being too wide with some languages.
- Fixed title of Guild Log menus to properly show the page number.
- Queens will no longer mine asteroids that are extremely far from the sector center.
- Fixed Border Engagement advertisement mission's countdown timer.

VO 1.8.664.1
- Fixed issue with iOS version not showing navmap backgrounds.

A lot of other development has been occurring in the background. Hopefully we can start to post more about that sometime soon.