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Vendetta Online 1.8.662-664

Several releases appeared last month:

VO 1.8.664
- Four new custom-made missions available in various trees.
- Changed /givemoney failure message to "No pilot named <X> is currently within range."
- Added UI settings to set the name of players under their ships on the HUD when in 2D square target selection mode, located in Options -> Advanced -> Interface -> HUD Settings.
- Added ability for plugins to add additional lines of text to the name of players under their ships by setting AdditionalHUDText["character name"] to a string to display. The character name needs to match exactly (case sensitive), and the info is not saved when plugins/interface are reloaded or the game is restarted.
- Fixed issue with Linux Vulkan driver crashing if keyboard/mouse input is received immediately after startup.
- Removed unnecessary Vulkan synchronization API call on Linux.
- The Linux Vulkan driver no longer chooses software CPU devices.
- Removed Left/Right stick calibration curve settings on Linux because they are not functional.

VO 1.8.663.1
- Updates to support new Android App Bundle update.

VO 1.8.663
- Four new custom-made missions available in various trees.
- Added experimental Vulkan video driver to the 64bit Linux version.
- Added analytics to the Android version to detect problems with downloading additional assets.

VO 1.8.662.1
- Fixed issue with Strafe Up/Dn HUD buttons not working on touch screens.

VO 1.8.662
- Four new custom-made missions available in various trees.
- Added option to Touch devices to change the left HUD touch region's Y axis to control Strafe up/down. Defaults to off, can be changed in Options -> Advanced -> Controls -> Touch and is called "Use Touch Thottle as Strafe Up/Down".
- Added options for Android devices to use the accelerometer tilt to control Throttle. Defaults to off, can be changed in Options -> Advanced -> Controls -> Tilt and is called "Touchscreen steering, tilt for throttle".
- Added options for Android devices to change the deadzone settings of the accelerometer. The settings are also located in Options -> Advanced -> Controls -> Tilt.