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Vendetta Online 1.8.658-661

A variety of releases have appeared over the last few weeks:

VO 1.8.661.1
- Major changes to the Android game install, optimizing the initial download experience for new players.

VO 1.8.661
- Four new custom-made missions available in various trees.
- The Linux version now defaults to OpenGL 4 on first run.

VO 1.8.660
- The Linux 64bit Updater now uses GTK 3 instead of GTK 2.

VO 1.8.659
- Three new custom-made missions available in various trees.
- Fixed issue with guild members not being notified of their guild being disbanded when they log in.
- Added modal Menu warning guild leaders that the guild will be disbanded due to insufficient council members when logging in or docking just after the countdown started.
- Guild leaders will be notified with a warning 1 hour, 30 minutes, and 10 minutes before the guild is disbanded.
- Fixed Linux crash in XRandR if the primary display does not have an output defined.
- If XRandR enumeration fails with a crash, it will no longer be used in the future.

VO 1.8.658
- Three new custom-made missions available in various trees.
- Multiple recipients can now be selected from group or sector lists when giving Access Keys through the Give Owner/User Key menus.

Although these notes are pretty terse, some of these changes are really significant, and encompass months of work. More details will appear in the future.