Forums » Suggestions
make player owned ship drop scrap metal too
title says all
No, it's too exploitable.
This would be horrendous. Can you imagine the litter?
Too exploitable? Scrap is only worth like 440 credits per cu. I don't know if the value tanks like most goods, but even if it doesn't, that's hardly exploitable at all.
Hahaha first time I've seen rin fail at sarcasm.
Well, there are people who post on these forums who'd make that complaint in all seriousness.
Well if you create a light sub you can use it go get a free bus, kill it with your main character, and collect the scrap metal. This will get you filthy rich in a couple decades at most! Plus you get free PKs and everyone will think you're way leet!
Don't forget to use your own bus when you kill them, so that you grind up that buskill stat too. And if you go ahead and fullsub the alt, you could actually level it up to a higher combat level than your main first, so that you'll also get XP for killing it...
+1 to OP
lol @ the rest of this thread.
lol @ the rest of this thread.
+1 to OP