Forums » Suggestions

Simple value tweaks thread

May 17, 2013 TheRedSpy link
This is a suggestions thread concept i've been meaning to do for a while. Basically the theory goes as follows. There is tons of content in VO that is messed up or has some problem with it that causes general discouragement to play it. I'm talking about the little detailed things that are a black mark on otherwise perfectly playable game systems and mechanics.

The idea behind this thread is to provide a place and a format to suggest simple value tweaks that would greatly improve the play-ability of any area of the game and provide a brief reason as to why you think that. I would like to keep discussion about specific suggestions or tweaks to a minimum and/or post to a different thread to talk about it. Leave them here in plainly readable format so Incarnate can easily read it and implement the ones he agrees with off the bat.

Here is the suggested format and some examples of what I'm talking about:

Name of Value
Change from value x to value y or reduce/increase by percentage
Brief summary reason for the change
[Optional discussion thread]

For instance I have a number of suggestions off the top of my head:

Gatling Turret/Cannon/HV max sell-to price for all stations
Reduce to around 40% of the current maximum price
To make other trade routes more competitive and other roles more competitive

Health of Conquerable station turrets
Reduce to 20% of current health
Make station conquering less tedious and more reliant on player combat rather than NPC

Capture the cargo monetary reward for docking with pure xith
Increase x20 for Serco/Itani, Increase x40 for UIT
Use of even budget combat vessels is not worth the financial reward received from Ctc

Turbo drain of the Serco Vulture Guardian
Reduce from 56/sec to 54/sec
Make it a more viable vector interception ship for Serco Nationalists
May 17, 2013 abortretryfail link
Holy crap, please do not buff the SVG's chase ability anymore. That thing is already stupid fast. It already got a buff 2 years ago which put it where it is today, and there's other ships that really need it more. (Raptor? Hornet?)

Anyways, I'll take up the rest of that in the appropriate thread. Back on topic! -

Fix incorrect "bots sighted" listings on the map for Deneb
Change the part where it says bot names to not saying bot names
This has been wrong since the Border Skirmishes came into being and the hive was removed from Deneb. There's no hive bots anywhere in Deneb except for the occasional static Queen.

Fix the Charge Cannon so it stops draining energy when it reaches full power
Stop draining energy when full. Just copy whatever part of the code does this for Repair Modules.
Make it more useful as it's intended purpose as a big shot charge weapon instead of utilizing it's crazy low energy use at it's lowest charge level

Change some simple stats to make capship weapons a reality
We're halfway there with the Trident Heavy Power Cell
See thread for more info:
May 17, 2013 Pizzasgood link
Profanity filter
Stop censuring the word "cockpit".
The filter even applies to mission logs, which is particularly annoying.

PCC spawnable ship list
Add valks to the list.
May 17, 2013 abortretryfail link
^ This one is easy. Just include the current page's URL query string in the reply link

May 17, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Concussion Railgun Weight
Change to 1,500kg from 4,000kg
Absurd weight is absurd. A weapon that does no damage and takes up a large port deserves a proper weight. Also needs reloadability
May 17, 2013 abortretryfail link
It can be done with a value tweak. Did you read my post below it?

Here's another one:
Fix the Scanner Spoofer Mk2 name.
Change "Scanner Spoofer Mk2" to "Scanner Spoofer MkII"
All of the other "MkII" variants of things are written as "MkII" not "Mk2" Consistency!
May 17, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Speed and damage of supermissiles and station missiles
Halve the speed and damage of both type of 'supermissiles'
In line with the standard dev goal of not giving the NPC absurd advantages over PC players. They would achieve the same purpose if they weren't so absurd
May 22, 2013 vskye link
I'd say 2000kg at least.

May 22, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Can a moderator please remove all posts that don't contain value tweaks in the prescribed format?

Keep discussion to the designated discussion thread, if you disagree with a change post there, not here.
May 25, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Detonation fuse proximity of Jackhammers
Change value to be equal to that of the Sunflare
It's a tweak to make the jackhammer on par in terms of usefulness with the sunflare. Doesn't make a lot of sense for the fuse to be the way it is except to hamper it's effectiveness at close range. Perhaps this is intended?
May 29, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Level cut-off for being mentored
Change from 3/3/3 to 5/5/5
Many people prefer to spend early levels discovering by themselves and don't present for mentoring until later, this means those who mentor this type of player get no use of the mentor system
May 29, 2013 greenwall link
Remove every three letters from TRS's alts:


(and so forth...)
May 29, 2013 abortretryfail link
Fix the description for Avalon Torpedo Launchers
Add "Energy: 60\n Lifetime:120s"
These stats aren't listed on the in-game description of the item, even though they're properties of it.
Jun 03, 2013 Samwise9 link
The Basic Miner badges
Lower their requirements to something more reasonable
The current ones are pretty ridiculous.