Forums » Suggestions


May 11, 2013 tarenty link
Remove the Home Station mechanics and instead add Clones. Buy a clone in any station that you have more than -600 standing with. When a player is killed, s/he respawns at the nearest clone, and that clone is "used up."

Clones require station storage, and so players are unable to store an infinite number of them. Clones should be expensive (100k+) and different prices at different stations (Deneb clones cheap, Sedina clones cheap, etc). Clones should not be available at every station, or even every system. If a player dies without a clone, s/he will receive a complimentary clone from their home nation (or Corvus, should the player have home-KOS), located at one of that nation's capitols.

Clones are commodities and may be transported as cargo, but are unique to the individual that purchased them, as it is essentially a mirror image of the body of the character, with memories backed-up realtime by neurotransmitters. As such, clones are named "Clone of [character]."
May 11, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Its just.. weird...
May 12, 2013 TerranAmbassador link
This sounds suspiciously like another sandbox game set in space.....what is it......ADAM? Something like that.
May 12, 2013 CrazySpence link
or let's not do this
May 12, 2013 Pizzasgood link
Actually, no it doesn't, any more than the whole idea of VO sounds suspiciously like EVE (and yes I know we predate them). Yes, they have clones. Their clones work a bit differently though, and they certainly weren't the original minds behind the idea of using clones and mind transfer to achieve immortality. And anyways, Hitler ate sugar, so who gives a flip.

Also, I should point out that VO's current system pretty much works exactly like EVE's clone system, except for the fact that making clones in EVE is only allowed at stations with medical facilities, and costs money (which scales up based on how much XP you have).

EVE doesn't allow you to move your medical clone around as cargo like in the OP, nor does it let you have multiple medical clones.

EVE does let you have multiple jump clones for fast travel, but doesn't let you respawn into them, and you can only jump between them once per day.
May 12, 2013 Pizzasgood link
As for my thoughts regarding the OP:


I'd rather it just respawned you at the closest dockable location to your (now former) home station.
May 12, 2013 Snake7561 link
May 12, 2013 ryan reign link
No to the OP as it is a blatant fast travel cheat.
May 12, 2013 tarenty link
...yeah, because in the OP it totally states that you're sent to your nearest clone when killed.

I had no idea how EVE clones worked or that EVE even had clones. Never played EVE.

Simply spawning at the nearest station is better than the system we have now, which is a blatant fast travel cheat.
May 12, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Can't it just be no because every movie where people clone themselves is uber creepy? The idea is creepy, clones are creepy. ITS CREEPY!

Hell no, i'll take magical teleporting over clones anyday.

Its creepy

Did I mention it's creepy?
May 12, 2013 Snake7561 link
What happens when you have no more clones?
And I'll just stick to the idea our escape pods can use anti-matter drives because they don't have thrusters, thanks.
May 12, 2013 tarenty link
I addressed that in the OP, if you'd care to actually read it and not just the title before you immediately post "no."
May 15, 2013 Alloh link
more elegant, better explained and far less MAGICAL than existing Respawn system that everybody pretends to ignore!

About being creepy, how can it be more creepy than, in a universe without any mention to respawning in backstory, someone reappear after you killed him?

People here say they hate MAGIC stuff, but since respawning is fun they accept this magic without any explanation whatsoever!

But as I proposed before, I prefer that you need to be "quantic entangled" with your next clone, so you only can respawn back to the last station where you made a clone. And NOT allow clones to be transported.
May 15, 2013 Snake7561 link
Of course, whether or not clones should be implemented can be determined by the average amount of fucks anybody has to give about Alloh's ideas.

Just like clones, Alloh's posts repeat over and over again and have no variation. It's a well known fact Jango Fett plays Vendetta online and normally approves of Vendetta online. Until Star Wars, nobody even heard of clones - Dolly the sheep was a fraud, all sheeps look the same anyways - therefore, it's acceptable to believe Jango Fet learned of clones from reading Alloh's posts. Hence, we see that Alloh's posts are fucking annoying and useless.
May 15, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Hey hey hey, alloh's ideas aren't all bad, they're just largely impossible to comprehend.
May 15, 2013 Pizzasgood link
Alloh, this thread is more about the mechanics than the RP. It sounds like you want the mechanics to stay how they are already, which means you should really be giving it a -1 instead of a +1.

(And for the record, I too would like the game to provide an official RP explanation.)
May 15, 2013 Snake7561 link
Why don't we write one ourselves?

And Espionage, my "weed" posts are the same thing! I have plenty of great ideas! I just don't know how to communicate them!
May 15, 2013 Alloh link
Oh, yes, Snake's rant posts are very productive... And most of trolls here usually shoot idea down before finishing reading it, seems that more than 5 words in a sentence is more than a troll brain can process... And it is not only me, as it is very common to see people complain that someone shooting an idea haven't read the proposal...

Makes no sense in change the respawn mechanics without integrating RP expĺanation, or you replace magic with witchcraft...

Tarenty's idea is fine, much better than present implementation. But instead of nearest station with a clone of you, I'd prefer the last station you both have clones and have setup to respawn there.

And re-thinking, let us carry clones around, so we can make/purchase them where it is cheaper and move to where we want to respawn next. But still don't like respawning in nearest station with clones, but where the clone tagged as "next" is, no matter how far. Maybe add a delay depending on distance.

For a great respawn/cloning implementation, check what Cylons did in BSG - Galactica reimagined!
May 16, 2013 Helena Lycia link

I don't know about Eve Online but the idea of clones reminds me of Paranoia (table top RPG). My feelings on that game aside I don't like this idea because I think in a game like this people are more likely to die early on rather than when they are established but people are more likely to own clones once they are established. So this idea would make the game harder to start but have no real impact on established players. I think this game is already tough enough on new players so I think any replacement of the current death system should make it tougher on established players without making it tough on newbies.
May 18, 2013 idd link
Breaking news: CCP sueing Vendetta Online for copying clone idea!