Forums » Suggestions

The AGT.

Oct 11, 2011 Kierky link
This really should not be an L port weapon, the fact that it even has turret in its name means it should be a turret port weapon only.
I see the Gatling Cannon to be way more balanced.
Oct 11, 2011 CrazySpence link

But there should be a turret port version
Oct 12, 2011 abortretryfail link
Make it cost 40k again. :)

The gatling cannon as it stands sucks. There needs to be a Mk2 version with higher velocity, a tighter spray, and a tad more damage.

+1 for the turret port idea, though.
Oct 12, 2011 Kierky link
If it cost 40k, that's great :)
Oct 12, 2011 Pizzasgood link
I vote for a name change.
Oct 12, 2011 CrazySpence link
it used to be 25 or 40k back in the day, I can't remember which. this idea doesn't really bother me too much however this wont help you either. what you need to do is hold the strafe and roll keys and this will significantly help with your gatling turret problems

Now allow me to answer your future complaints so we can avoid unnecessarily dragging on this do nothing thread

"but if i get to close it rapes me" well don't do that, if you get to close it is supposed to tear you apart.

"but the warthog is a fighter and this makes the turret too uber" it's an assault craft and assault crafts carry heavy assault weapons

"but i want everyone to use the weapons I like and for duels to take 20min" fuck off, you aren't paying for mine and other gatling turret users accounts, we'll do what we bloody feel like doing. Don't fight us if you hate it

"Inc complains about them too so this will be easy to get rid of" Ney ney, he knows I and many other users will bite his head off if he tries this otherwise he'd have done it 7 years ago before the game launched so instead the damn thing is heavy as a brick and half as accurate as it used to be 7 years ago so really the problem isn't the gatling turret, it's that energy players are getting worse at flying while gatling turret players like me have learned to use the weight to our advantage. Stop being terrible
Oct 12, 2011 Dr. Lecter link
+1 CS
Oct 12, 2011 endercp12 link
+1 to CS, the gat turret really isn't that hard to dodge.
Oct 12, 2011 DivisionByZero link
My my... energy players can't dodge AGT anymore?

what's happened to the game...
Oct 12, 2011 Jmvcilus link
Nerf the AGT, huh....

Oct 12, 2011 Kierky link
I'm not talking about that lol, just the Turret version. I'm not concerned with the fighting ability of it, just make the turret version of it, and change the name of the L-port variant.
Oct 12, 2011 look... no hands link
there should be a turret version of it, though im not sure it'd be worth much.
Oct 13, 2011 abortretryfail link
Sure it would, the NPC moths and teradons have them and they're pretty effective. Especially without energy limitations.
Oct 13, 2011 endercp12 link
I misunderstood your intention Estrian, but the turret version has been suggested several times. Each time Inc. has explained his reservations about it (lag mainly)
Oct 13, 2011 Pizzasgood link
I don't see how lag is relevant, considering that NPC ships already have them, and we can already use them on normal large ports.

Sure, somebody could load five gats onto a moth, but it would take four people to operate them all. Those four people could instead each fly his own centaur, for a maximum of ten gats plus five small port weapons - more than twice as bad.

Same argument works for capships. Every person you put in charge of a gat turret on a capship could have operated two gats and a small from a centaur.

So, I don't see how turret gats could make it any worse, unless they increase the rate of fire for the turret versions.
Oct 13, 2011 endercp12 link
Im just repeating what Inc said. Though to reply to your point of how many agts the same number of taurs could mount, I've been in battles where large numbers of turret equipped ships were engaging me, it does cause stuff to get screwy, shots don't register, people tend to jump, etc etc. Flechette cannons can have the same effect (this is all assuming you aren't on a super fast connection).
Oct 13, 2011 look... no hands link
I've never had that issue, even a few years ago when flying with 4 or 5 other pirates all using hogs with only agt's.
Oct 13, 2011 Pizzasgood link
It would depend on your network connection, and the state of the network between your computer and the server.
Oct 13, 2011 Roda Slane link
Chaos swarms!

Yep. A ranged energy weapon and chaos swarms. Turm off auto aim, spray space with a nuetron blaster, and when they move in to gat you, SWARM THEM!

When they cry that you are lame, offer to ditch the swarms if tjey ditch the gat. When they say it isn't the same thing, tell em to go blow roda.



Oct 13, 2011 Kierky link
lol roda.