Forums » Suggestions

plz bring back the 'HQGT'...

Jan 06, 2011 xXxDSMer link
Hive Queen Gatling Cannon as its named ingame, but its really a hive version of the gatling turret...

but as mentioned by incarnate at , here's the start of the suggestion thread for this :) (i didnt see a thread about it, and checked the stickied list of suggestions)

myself and several others would like to see the HQGT back in the game as a drop from the hive queen, and it wouldnt take much at all to return being able to jettison HQGT's and put 'em back on as a drop from queens either :)

its slightly better than the current commercially available "AGT" and i personally love(d) using it for botting. the hive queen version of it makes it just good enough to be worth actually using, and i'm missing being able to get this weapon.

kind of like the hive positron blaster, its pretty much a slightly better AAPB and if someone's willing to take the time to kill the queens to get it, they should have access to something a hair better than what's commercially available :)
Jan 06, 2011 CrazySpence link
Fail, you can't even look 10 posts down
Jan 07, 2011 xXxDSMer link
lol i did look farther than that.. and searched.. and didnt find it. but then again i rarely find what i'm looking for with the forum's search function anyway

but since i now know there's another thread about it, this one can be locked/deleted :)