Forums » Suggestions

New Chat Channel

Dec 15, 2010 ryan reign link
Seems like a pretty simple thing...

It occurs to me that it would be helpful to have an Allied Forces Channel. This way, allied guilds/players could communicate privately. Not having to use PMs or grouping.
Dec 15, 2010 abortretryfail link
That's not so simple. They'd have to implement in-game support for guild alliances first.

You could pick a random off channel number to chat on though.
Dec 15, 2010 ryan reign link
Yeah.... thats why I said "seems" simple. Your idea works, but lacks security.
Dec 15, 2010 slime73 link
Create a plugin which encrypts and decrypts messages on the fly, and give it to your allies?

Oh wait... ;)
Dec 15, 2010 zam zix zam link
+1 but low priority.
Dec 16, 2010 Pizzasgood link
Or just devise your own alternate vocabulary. Not as secure as a proper code, but much more amusing.

"The hippo sat on the walrus!"
"Rodger that, returning with the umbrella."
"Oh noes, the poltergeist just rickrolled me with the toothbrush!"
"Green-ducky, swashbuckle that tofu before the eclipse seesaws the filing cabinet."
Dec 16, 2010 Roda Slane link
Make a plugin that relays guild communications to an irc bot that tracks and relays alliance communications.

At least one player with each allied guild would need to run the plugin.

edit: on second thought, the irc bot is not needed. A plugin operated by at least one player per allied guild should be able to do this.
Dec 16, 2010 ryan reign link
Well I suppose I could have my two Pavee friends teach me Gammon Shelta and then I could teach it to everyone I'm allied with...