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Being able to drop weapon ports in flight

Nov 22, 2010 space999999 link
Certain ships have turrets that are outside the ship, such as the valk, so they should be able to drop the ports mid flight.
Nov 22, 2010 Earthshine link
hmm... I can see this, maybe...

have your weapons in the jettison menu, though immune to a Jett All and with a safety checkbox so you know you're dropping equipped items, but a second Emergency Stores Jett button that drops everything, weapons included.

Of course you wouldn't be able to re-equip them after picking them up again, but it would allow you to drop everything to shed the weight for a getaway.
Nov 22, 2010 Impavid link
+1 Love this. It'd be awesome to shed a flare launcher after it was empty. Way great idea.
Nov 22, 2010 pirren link
Haha ))) Impavid +1 :D

Seriously I remember interesting suggestion about flare weight, depending on the amount of flares in the launcher.
Nov 22, 2010 CrazySpence link
yea this is a pretty slick idea
Nov 22, 2010 Earthshine link
Yeah, what pirren said about flares... the weight should be proportional to the ammo carried. Same with other missiles.

Still, the empty launcher would ave *some* weight that you could shed by dropping it.
Nov 22, 2010 tarenty link
I figure 20-40% of a flare's mass is launcher. Those can't be low mass. The shedding-of-mass could be related to the way cargo affects mass.

+1 in general.
Nov 22, 2010 space999999 link
Also, what would be further in depth, is being able to shed a turret off a ship (such as a valk or a cormaud, or a hornet) and storing it in your station's inventory.

but being able to drop the weapon ports in flight would basically mean it turns into cargo, or just drops off your ship. You'd need to rebuy it once in station if you want another turret.
Nov 22, 2010 tarenty link
Add a certain price into the repair ship cost for replacing ports, maybe 5% of the ship value per port.
Nov 22, 2010 space999999 link
Yes, that's what I intended.
Nov 22, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
I think this is about the 5 millionth time this has been suggested.

And it's still a good idea.
Nov 22, 2010 ShankTank link
I'm not for anything like this. It makes flare spamming too easy to get away with, alive. It also ruins any incentive to pack light.

The only way I'd be for something like this is if it were geared more toward pilots who plan on being out in space for a while. E.G. if there were some drawback to this that requires the pilot to be away from any action for a few seconds (similar to previous discussions about spare ammo to reload with being carried as cargo) like a 30 second thrust penalty and temporary disabling turbo/weapons.
Nov 22, 2010 tarenty link
I'd personally prefer 30 second thrust penalty with a large energy drain instead of disabling weapons and turbo, if only for a more solid explanation.
Nov 23, 2010 ryan reign link
As this should (logically) only be used in an emergency situation, it could be worked so that rather than jettisoning the weapon, it could utilize a light explosive... (think any science fiction flick where in an emergency a ship can "blow the docking clamps".).

In this fashion, the pilot frees up some power/speed/acceleration while at the same time willingly inflicting some damage upon themselves.

1000 per Rail gun.
1500 per empty rocket/missile launcher.
1500 per empty mine launcher.
1500 to 2500 per partially empty mine launcher.
2500 to 3500 per full mine launcher.
2500 to 3500 per partially empty rocket/missile launcher.
3500 to 5000 per full rocket/missile launcher (detonation of weapons clamp detonates rockets/missiles) 1000 to 2000 for energy weapons due to ruptured power source.

[EDIT] fixed damages estimates.
Nov 23, 2010 ShankTank link
500 is a nick and absolutely nothing compared to the benefit of dropping 1500kg. The higher damages for higher amounts of remaining ammo has no real purpose considering how easy it is to spam any excess shots away.

I really don't see much point to this suggestion when, instead, we could be implementing a dynamic ammo/reloading system.
Nov 23, 2010 space999999 link
I think this is about the 5 millionth time this has been suggested.

looked through the "PLEASE READ PRIOR TO POSTING A SUGGESTION" thread. Couldn't find anything. can you?
Nov 23, 2010 Lord~spidey link
no but ordinance mass has already been suggested and its pretty much the same thing cept better.
Nov 23, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
We've suggested being able to eject a weapon from its port many times, even w/o mass being reduced per ammo fired.

The idea of repair/replacement costs for "ports" - over and above the lost weapon itself - is new to my knowledge.
Nov 23, 2010 pirren link
Ryan, +1

Calculations and idea look wise.