Forums » Suggestions

Very useful & extremely easy to implement : randar object range indicator

Apr 08, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link

I woke up this morning and recalled radar screen from some other simulation game out there (i don't remember what game it was exactly).

To get to the point: the game had very good radar object range indication system, which allowed player to get very good idea of how far from the ship every object on the radar is.

I made simple GUI schematics which show what i'm talking about.

This is how the radar screen in Vendetta looks now:

The only and only indication of range is color of every dot on the radar fading out (going darker and darker as object it represents is more distant).

And this is what it would look like after the implementation of the feature:

Alternative variant 1 (thinner lines, less mess on radar):

Alternative variant 2 (my favourite):

How does it work ? Simply put, every line represents the distance from the radar source, to the object visible on the radar.

Depending on the implementation details, all lines may point up, or point up or down to fit the radar screen. In my examples lines point in direction which will give them more space on radar screen (if point is on the top, line points down, if point is on the bottom, line points up).

I think this feature is worth thinking about, because of few reasons:
- We would have much more clear view of what is exactly the distance of every object on the radar from our ship
- It should be VERY easy to implement such thing. Drawing few more lines or rectangles on radar screen (and implementing it in engine) seems 2-3 hours of work for a good programmer. But of course probably few other things would need to be adjusted, so let's make it 2 days :P.
- It would be much better & clear solution for noobs & people without 3D-space orientation. So,
1. Vendetta would become easier to play than it is now,
2. More people would come and play it
3. ????
4. PROFIT ! ;)

What do You think ?
Apr 08, 2010 Kierky link
I'm afraid it will become incredibly confusing in a sector with a large amount of bots in it. (BS, HS, NW, etc)

Heh also I think this game is relatively easy to play, I don't think it needs to be easier. More challenging, if anything.

Also, you'll want to brace yourself for incoming trolling.
Apr 08, 2010 look... no hands link
interesting idea. independance war 2 used a single spherical radar wich was relitivly easy to read even with near 100 contacts. and that could tell you position and rough distance.
Apr 08, 2010 Kierky link
But Look, look at the size of the dots on our existing radar. Even one hundred dots is stupid to read.
Apr 08, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link

[[[I'm afraid it will become incredibly confusing in a sector with a large amount of bots in it. (BS, HS, NW, etc)]]]

Yes, but the lines would also fade out.

So You see, the more distant the object is, the less visible it is, and the less mess it will create.

[[[Heh also I think this game is relatively easy to play, I don't think it needs to be easier. More challenging, if anything.]]]

Perhaps for You, You may be a hardcore player. I'm not - i just started and the Vendetta radar seemed very messy for me. The radar from the other game made it much easier to read distances.
Apr 08, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link
Another thing: this feature of course would be optional (though perhaps enabled by default).
Apr 08, 2010 Alloh link
Radar needs a lot of improvement, indeed.

Better color-coding, shapes, size, etc...
Apr 08, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
The problems with radar are existant only in this small brain of Yours.

In mine they are nonexistant as I am quite a hardcore player, so please don't tell me what is right for radar and what not.
Apr 08, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link
@Dr. Lecter

[[[The problems with radar are existant only in this small brain of Yours.
In mine they are nonexistant as I am quite a hardcore player, so please don't tell me what is right for radar and what not.]]]

Starboard shielding hit.

No damage. Shield status: 100%.
Apr 08, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
This is easily one of the best self-pwnings I've ever seen. And since they locked the thread, you won't be deleting it from posterity.

Of course, as you are quite a hardcore programmer, I needn't tell you that all of that is true.
Apr 08, 2010 look... no hands link
oh christ i didnt realize he intended those pictures to be to scale
Apr 08, 2010 peytros link
you would think a hard core programmer would know how to do italics on a forum using as old of code as this...

anyways it sounds like we just have a more literate alloh here.
Apr 08, 2010 Aticephyr link
Lecter, quit the commentary and stick to the suggestion.

@the suggestion: there are better ways to indicate range (including the current system of faded vs bright). I don't see the need to implement this suggestion (not to mention I concur with the potential downsides already listed in this thread).
Apr 08, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link
@Dr. Lecter

[[[This is easily one of the best self-pwnings I've ever seen. And since they locked the thread, you won't be deleting it from posterity.]]]

Who cares ?
I don't really.

[[[Of course, as you are quite a hardcore programmer, I needn't tell you that all of that is true.]]]

Sheilds holding, hull intact.
You are of course welcome to try other weapons.
Apr 08, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link

[[[I don't see the need to implement this suggestion (not to mention I concur with the potential downsides already listed in this thread).]]]

You see, the problem with color fading is that it does not scale well. You won't see difference between 20 meters and 50 meters distance.

First: Using the schema from my suggestion You will know fairly exact distance of every object from You. Isn't that cool ?

Second: Using the schema You will also see EXACTLY which objects are closing to You, and which are moving away. And THAT is awesome.
Apr 08, 2010 Aticephyr link
Paladin: I see what you're saying. The current setup isn't as precise as it could be. But how much does that precision affect gameplay? Once a pilot is within 200m, do you really need such fine-grained measurements?

Also, there are a few plugins out there that will show you the 10 closest targets in list form (which I think is a good middle ground). I strongly suggest you check them out.

And finally, check out this post to learn how to quote in a more standard fashion :).
Apr 08, 2010 ArAsH link
Elite used to use this system and it works pretty good. I am however very used to the system we use now, wich works perfect together with targetless (targetless should become a standard feature imo, it's very usefull for new players)
Apr 08, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
Sheilds holding, hull intact.

Sensors are detecting a massive increase in douchebaggions, captain!

You are of course welcome to try other weapons.

Tempt me not.
Apr 09, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link
@Dr. Lecter

Sensors are detecting a massive increase in douchebaggions, captain!

No problem. We will take out douchebaggions with anti-neutrino ray.

Tempt me not

Troll proximity warning ! Go to yellow alert !
Apr 09, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link

I am however very used to the system we use now

You see now. You are used to it, but from the n00b point of view (i know, i'm a noob in this game) such a system would be much easier to play and orient in. As i said earlier, there are many people with not-so-good 3D space orientation and this feature would be a great help to them.

After some time You will also get used to the new system and the increased precision it offers. It just matter of getting used to. But i think it will be much more powerful and fun to play than the one that we have now.

Second, remember that this feature could be optional, so no problem if You want to go to the "old way".

Third, this feature could be made to work only with "alive objects" (everything except asteroids), so the potential mess on the radar screen would be even smaller.