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Longer delay for /logoff in space

Sep 11, 2009 maq link
I don't really see a problem with ship being left a while after you log,
if you want to be safe jump to empty sector or something.
Don't see why logoff should be safer than say, afking.
Sep 11, 2009 PaKettle link
I wouldnt see a problem of the ship persisting for a minute after a 10 second logoff. Plenty of time to kill it while not slowing legit logoffs.
Sep 11, 2009 incarnate link
The trouble with the incoming msg thing is that it promotes a degree of spamming and the potential for someone to annoyingly prevent another player from logging off.. unless they simply ignore the messenger, in which case, the whole point is kind of obviated (Trader A only has to ignore Pirate B to gain the original logoff time).

We'll try bumping it to 15 seconds, and see how that works. It's not a hard thing to change.
Sep 11, 2009 incarnate link
On further reflection, we'll try something where, if you receive a message during a 10 second log off timer, the timer is bumped to 30 seconds, after which you can log off normally (normal logoff-breaking behaviour will still apply during the 30 second extension; collisions and physics impulse, etc).
Sep 11, 2009 incarnate link
<sigh>. Yet another update, we're now doing the following:

Any given received private message will inherently push the logoff timer to 30 seconds, for a 20 second period. Ie, if you receive a private message, and attempt to logoff in the 20 seconds following receiving that message, your timer will be 30 seconds instead of the normal 10.

After the 20 second timer-increase period has elapsed, the original logoff time will then be restored (10 seconds), until you should receive another private message.

If you should be in the process of logging off when you receive the message, your timer is increased to 30 seconds, after which you log off.

If you should receive additional private messages during the already-timer-extended period, they will have no effect. So, basically, a timer can be extended (via msg) on someone once, and then when their 30-second extended timer expires, they log off. If they are not logging off, it can be extended any number of times, with the expiration of the 20-second period, but no one will notice because they're.. not logging off.

The 30-second extended timer will still be affected by collisions and so on, so the usual "timer abort" parameters still apply during the extension period.

This is mostly Ray's solution, and I think it's pretty decent.
Sep 11, 2009 Roda Slane link
Well.... I had intended that only players in the same sector would have any say in the matter... in a perfect world.

In so much that you managed to find some solution that accommodated both fast log out, and some player intervention, that can be implemented in the short term, I am impressed.

I hope it solves our problems.

Thank you.
Sep 11, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
If you bump or shoot them, doesn't that already interrupt the log-out process, thereby providing for "some player intervention"?

If so, just make it 15 or 20 seconds and be done with it. If you can't bump, or at least shoot, the guy within 15-20 seconds of his going fucking motionless, you're just shit outta luck.
Sep 11, 2009 Roda Slane link
We are talking about in addition to that lector. let us try what he has. it sounds like it will work.
Sep 12, 2009 Impavid link
This whole thread and the change it is producing is for whiny bitches who can't catch a pirate in a moth.

Bottom line. Waaaaaaaa
Sep 12, 2009 Kierky link

Bottom line: Shut up w(imp)
Sep 12, 2009 incarnate link
This change allows us to keep the 10 second timeout, which I think would be preferred for most cases.
Sep 12, 2009 ShankTank link
20 seconds base isn't unreasonable. I know all the other mmos (LotRO, WoW) use 20 seconds. You could also decrease logout time based on location: 10 seconds for an empty sector or a station sector, 20 seconds for an asteroid sector, 30 seconds for a wormhole sector or something along the lines of that.
Sep 15, 2009 Katarn link
I made a macro that sent 500 chat messages to a pubbie and he was dumb enough to try to log off. I killed him with my single sunflare-Atlas after docking and reloading a couple times.

Lesson learned: never stop spamming.
Sep 15, 2009 Roda Slane link
/ignore Katarn
Sep 15, 2009 Snax_28 link
I made a macro that sent 500 chat messages to a pubbie and he was dumb enough to try to log off.

Awesome move. So you're just starting at number one of the RoC and working your way through it I guess eh? Considering what number two entails, I'm gonna go ahead and assume this is some of your handy work as well.
Sep 16, 2009 look... no hands link
here's a thought, just ram the bastard, ive been doing that for a long time.
Sep 16, 2009 Katarn link
There is no good to come from chat inducing a log off delay, it merely promotes bad conduct. Consider the potential confusion as well. How many people will be victims of a non-obvious mechanic? How many people will spam their targets hoping that will increase the log off timer significantly?

I guess this is the one pitiful justification for making "hail" a default keybinding for the game. But what is the justification for making chat cause your spaceship to hang around longer? Besides the magnetic charm of the predator of course.

My suggestion: increase the amount of time a player ship remains in space after logging off if they have been involved in combat within the last few minutes. And discard the chat timer idea.
Sep 16, 2009 Roda Slane link
I Think Katarn is a fake.

I don't think Katarn killed anyone, and I bet she doesn't even have a single player kill. This is just some trader that likes a lame escape and is trying to find holes where there are none.

I think Ray and Inc have a good plan, and it will fix most of the problem, without introducing any significant problems of it's own. I would guess that the change will be unnoticeable in %99 of all log offs, but will make a world if difference in that %1 where a log off is just lame. This will help reduce trigger happy pirates, and give traders a little more time to pay (or not).

Let's just ignore Katarn. She is nothing but chatter, with no ability to use a blaster.
Sep 17, 2009 toshiro link

He raises a valid point, but in the wrong place... I guess he reported it already, though.
Sep 17, 2009 look... no hands link
if they need to do anything, just make taking damage stop the countdown, just like being rammed, I think if somebody your chasing manages to coast away at a maximum of 75m/s without taking any damage, tough shit.