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Mentor changes

Aug 13, 2009 diqrtvpe link
I was going to post this in the skipping tutorial thread, but I realized it really would be better suited to its own place, not dragging another thread off topic. So here are my two quick suggestions.

As I have suggested before, make mentor points be cross-account. They reward the player, not the character, and should thus benefit the player equally whoever she is. Don't propagate the badges, necessarily, to maintain anonymity, but propagate the benefits. (the benefits without badges might be hard to code, but probably worth it, beyond this case)

Also, raise the mentoring limit from 3 to 4 or 5. I have found that very few newbies call for help before level 3. They are generally past that point before they run into the "what do I do know?" syndrome, with quite a few exceptions that do not diminish the gravity of the problem. I think the license limit either needs to be higher or the mentoring option needs to be touted a LOT more. There are two extremes: every newb gets inundated with offers for mentoring, or they have quite some time to get used to most aspects of the game before they can no longer reward their teachers. I think the latter is far better in terms of helping people out. Leave the 1 per char limit, just up the license limit.
Aug 13, 2009 Shapenaji link

Aug 13, 2009 Lord~spidey link
[Stamp of Approval]
Aug 13, 2009 Pointsman link
Aug 14, 2009 Kierky link
Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed.

Couldn't help mahself ;)
Aug 14, 2009 _Meph link
Aug 14, 2009 ladron link
I vote yes, to both aspects (Mentor-Points-Per-Account and Higher Level Limits)

By the time a newb has figured out basic navigation, how to press the 'fire' button, etc to the point that mentoring will even do any good, their levels are too high to accept a mentor. Unless teaching newbs basic navigation and how to press the 'fire' button is the point of mentoring, in which case no self-respecting player should have anything to do with it. The tutorials are there for a reason, folks.
Aug 14, 2009 skelbley08 link
[Stamp of Approval]
Aug 16, 2009 Aticephyr link
I'll add my stamp of approval as well.
Now, I'm not saying it's the only benefit, but allowing mentor points to show cross-alts would encourage more alt creation, which may add more player-diversity to the game (always a good thing!). If you can't draw X more people into the game, might as well make the one's already playing play more chars :).
Aug 17, 2009 ladron link
I completely disagree with both of your points about alts, Aticephyr. I don't think allowing mentor points to be applied on a per-account basis would necessarily make anyone use more alts, but if it did then that is a bad thing. We have far too many alts running around as it is. Alts do not contribute to player diversity, because the vast majority of people are incapable of roleplaying alts separately (humorously, I've found that the people who most adamantly assert that they do indeed play their alts separately are in fact the worst about it, but I digress).
Aug 17, 2009 Blacklight link
I endorse this suggestion :)
Aug 17, 2009 diqrtvpe link
On the subject of alts and mentor points, allow the conceit of a self-reference: