Forums » Suggestions


Jul 22, 2008 Soldierlozer link
I'm playing this game for only 2 days now. (I've payed for one month, to try it out some more, then I wil diside if I keep playing or not).

The thing that suprises me the most, is how easy you get money and how few the ships kosts.

I can already but the strongest ship (if I would have the licenses) 5 times and that is a bit of shame.
If I play a game like this, I want it to have new 'missions' every time and I want to keep evolving.

That's why I want to ask if the ships could get more expensive (wow... this is the first time in a game ever I'm asking if the prices could go up).

I would say at least 10 times as much, but I wouldn't mind if it would be 20 times. Also the costs of reparation may go up if you ask me. It all makes it a bit worse to die. And also you will start fighting better because you know that when you get hurt, it will cost a lot.

Then there are three more things which I don't really like.
The first one is that there are too few ships. Which brings me back to the part of that I want to keep growing and with this few, that growing will be over quite soon.

The second is that players can't control capital ships (I've heard you can get on a turret, havn't done that I'm afraid).
But, when their are more fighters to pick from, I don't mind if this would have to wait for a while.

The third one is something you can't do anything about. The small group of players.
Jul 22, 2008 ArAel link
Well, its well written. May I point out the obvious, there is currently only four people developing this game. There are many more players than you think, we just aren't all online at the same times. Currently ships costs what they do and who knows where that will go, but think of this factor. If you spend an hour in heavy combat losing ships repeatedly you can easily lose millions. A dynamic economy is in the works and will make for real trading. The number of ships is small due to the current difficulty involved in adding new ones.

umm I think I've answered reasonably.
Jul 22, 2008 zamzx zik link
yeah, the economy trade-wise is pretty good (you can make millions in an hour, if you are good) but the missions are pretty inflated right now.

The devs have a new economy planned, but they haven't finished it yet.
Jul 22, 2008 Soldierlozer link
I see your point.

but maybe I've got, at least some sort of solution, what if the normal players would try to come up with new ships? If plp are good with it, try to draw it on paint or even really design it.

I'm not good in making new shipdesigns. But (I think) I'm not bad in producing new ships.

For starters, I think I've got a good idea, so you guys don't have to put in all new ships at once.

just a sec I'm going to make a drawing of it.


maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't.
the names I used are just ramdomly.
Jul 22, 2008 zamzx zik link
Putting the models ingame is hard enough that for that to work, they'd need at least one or two people dedicated to doing it. Which would take a large amount of time (for training) and a good amount of money.

It's not viable at the moment.
Jul 22, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Can we please just get a sticky that says:

Jul 22, 2008 Soldierlozer link
the meaning of this place is that we suggest things. So take it easy, if everyone says they want new ships, I think that they, just like me thinks there are to few to keep this game intresting.

I really like the game, but the problem is, that it's 'too small' to pay for.

Maybe there are just things I havn't experienced that give me this opinion, but for now, I think that after this 1 month, my vendetta-carreer will be over.

I would have kept this to myself if you didn't start to be mean. But now you know my reason for trying to get more ships in.
Jul 22, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Right, but if we'd had my sticky up, you never would have wasted anyone's time (yours included) with this "but maybe I've got, at least some sort of solution, what if the normal players would try to come up with new ships?" silliness.

Ah, who am I kidding? We all know n00bs never read, especially not stickies.
Jul 22, 2008 Snax_28 link
Well done Lecter. Here's a medal.
Jul 23, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
I think I already got that one. Make me one with oak leaves and clusters or something.
Jul 23, 2008 Capt.Waffles link
Try this one on then. :P

Jul 23, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Not bad.

I shall wear it proudly!
Jul 23, 2008 LeberMac link
Yer all copying the original asshat medal.

(Made especially FOR Lecter, by the way.. Hehe.)
Jul 23, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
What can I say--I'm inspiring!
Jul 24, 2008 genka link
Jul 24, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Poor little fella.
Feb 23, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
Wow, has it really been almost two years since this?
Feb 23, 2010 ShankTank link
A necromancy and double post. Nice.
Feb 23, 2010 ladron link
Wow, has it really been almost two years since this?

No, it hasn't. It's got about 2 months to go before it hits "almost" status.