Forums » Suggestions

a couple suggestions (that would have kept me paying)

Jul 05, 2007 Demonen link
I don't play much any more, because while the devs build stuff for me to do, there isn't much to do.
Yet, I'm subscribed. I'm the best customer in the universe: 100% raw income at no expense!
I see myself as actively funding development, as a sort of microscopic venture capital with they payout in the end being entertainment rather than money.

I've had my share of frustration over the apparent lack of progress with the game, but I'm over it and enjoying it for what it is. Besides, the New Stuff is coming along great, and before you know it, the new economy will be here.

BTW, if it was down to a choice between people whining like OP, or people being slightly offensive like Roda, I'd pick Roda any day. If at all possible, I'd pick neither, but it seems we're stuck with both. Oh well.

Count on my continued support, devs! I'm already paid 'til September, and I'll be renewing then, unless something horrible happens.
Jul 05, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Na-na-na-na na-na-na-na, hey hey hey, goodbye!

Don't let the sunflares hit you in the ass on your way out.

Jul 05, 2007 toshiro link
Your nanaing is off-metre.
Jul 05, 2007 csgno1 link
Always a class act Doc...

I pay to play because I enjoy the game.
Jul 05, 2007 ArAsH link
'happy customer'™ since 2004 and still loving it!
Jul 05, 2007 R8GCTRXV link
Damn... at least i know what that foul smell was now...

unwashed fanboys

Guess they didn't name a system Odia for nothing.

The real problem (or perhaps the solution in the long run) is that for each of you flaming morons that attacks someone unhappy with the game, or someone in the game, or whatever, it's that you will only alienate any other people who aren't happy even more. Sure most of them won't bother posting about it, they'll just leave quietly, but you're still undermining the very thing you claim to enjoy so much.

I never said there was anything wrong with enjoying this game. I said I myself liked it alot, which is why it bothered me to come to the decision I did. You're all (those that got actively hostile) either 12 years old with poor parenting, or insecure about what you suspect yourself to be another dead end game.

Anyway, I was curious about what, if anything, happened in this thread, and I found out. I'm not impressed, but not surprised either. No, I don't expect you to care.

I think the one thing I can really laugh about here if not one of you could name me. I had three characters, spent a lot of hours, talked to a lot of people, belonged to a guild. hmm...

By all means enjoy the game if you can. I got my $10 worth out of it, just wasn't worth $10 more _to me_
Jul 05, 2007 Cunjo link

Well, y'know, he's not the only one displeased with Roda. If he were, I might agree with you that Roda was the lesser evil, but since we're looking at either 1 Roda, or a score or more of people who whine about him, I'd rather just get rid of Roda and keep 20+ paying members.

For what its worth, R8...whatever, the game is plenty stable, and was relatively bug-free until very recently when they started putting the new Kourier system in place. We are currently experiencing a short period of instability due to integration with the new system, which should be resolved soon. The developers CAN NOT suspend the game while these bugs are resolved; if they did, they could go bankrupt before they're fixed. Their system of administering updates allows them to keep the server live while the game is developed and patched.

EDIT: PvP is content. Don't like PvP? go play EVE, WoW, or one of those other interactive screensavers so you don't have to deal with it.
Jul 05, 2007 jexkerome link
If PvP were content, real PvP games like Halo or GoW wouldn't get map packs and such. PvP is a mechanic around which VO centers, never confuse it with content. At best it's akin to player-led content, because if there are no other players around you don't get to PvP (just as if no one organizes it there's no NW or DR); worse, it's something that without real extra PvP content (in our case, ships and weapons) grows stale, as the myriad new ship and weapon threads show. So it is not just a mechanic, but one that needs content to give it variety, and in that, VO is sorely lacking, just as with all others kind of content (mining, trading, PvE).

As for people leaving VO to play EVE and WoW, there are a lot who are doing just that, Cunjo; there's no need for you to tell them to and it's certainly no kind of treat. A game with lots of things to do versus one that only has bulky PvP? It's a real choice, but not a hard one to make.

[EDIT] If we started banning people on the account "that not everyone like them", the game would be totally empty, consisting only of Ecka and Cho, not to mention you and I, Cunjo, would be among the first thrown out along with Roda.
Jul 05, 2007 A-Dawg link
I left before they kicked me out :D

Sure, Vendetta isn't "ready" in most development senses. This isn't uncommon. I'm involved in a software company extremely similar to guild (one programmer heading his own start-up company) making video advertisments, that has released a semi-finished product. In the end, it's all about money. This game, along with others have been released prematurely, or the company would ultimately go under.

I stopped paying for VO a long time ago, due partly to it's undeveloped structure (as a side note, I'd keep paying if I could, but I don't have the money/time). That said, I don't come back posting every ten minutes griping about the lack of content in the game and how foolish everyone is.

If you enjoy this game so much, my advice is take a break from it for six months, then check back in to take a look at what new is accomplished. If you still don't like it, come back a year from now, things will have definitely moved by then. I'm sure the new faction/economy system will be in place (hopefully).

And remember everybody, chill out: it's just a game.
Jul 05, 2007 Whistler link
I think that's a good post to end on. This thread has pretty much run its course.
