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Fix Advanced Combat Grouping Mission

Jun 21, 2005 CCB link
So that they are more akin to the BP missions, so you get Nx(rewards) for N number of players in the group.
Jun 21, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
yes please do that.

[stamp of approval]
Jun 21, 2005 Phaserlight link
Yes, with one huge caveat.

The reward bonus should not scale 100% with each player added. That way each person added to the group is more or less pulling their own weight by doing absolutely nothing at all.

The reward bonus should be more like 10% greater for each player in the group. That way for a group of 8, everyone is getting xp at an 80% rate greater than normal.
Jun 21, 2005 a1k0n link
I'm pretty sure that that's what it does now (10% bonus for grouping, no more). That's what Waylon tried to do, I think.

Has anyone actually tried it lately?

You're right, it shouldn't be a 100% experience duplication for everyone (and neither should BP). That's fundamentally broken; I realized that and I probably shouldn't have allowed it but it a) was easy to do as a quick fix and b) renewed interest in something that should be a pretty fundamental concept in our game.

I'm not sure if 10% is enough though; it obviously isn't, or there's some other fundamental flaw in the advanced combat group mission. At any rate, there's some stigma attached to it among the playerbase and it's been like that for so long that I forgot why that was.

The other problem with this mission is that there is no incentive to actually work as a squad (you do work as a "group" though - usually when I've played this, each member would be on his own with an assigned type of bot to kill.) The BP mission at least sort of encourages squad tactics since everyone is in the same sector and everyone wants to keep things moving along instead of having eight concurrent duels.
Jun 21, 2005 KixKizzle link
Not with players... Does it still divide your money by the amount of players in the group?

<edit>I'll check asap</edit>

/givemoney Devs 2c
Jun 21, 2005 a1k0n link
(I edited my post). Yeah, all group missions always divide your money up among the group but they don't divide your experience, since that's how the fundamental group-awarding functions work. It's kinda odd; I've been working around that feature.
Jun 21, 2005 TRS link
I havn't grouped much in acp. but i have in bp. normally as a large group i'll make around 180k, but, if everyone but me leaves the group and i finnish the mission, my experience goes way down (even tho i may have made all 21 kills), but my money goes up (500k+). does the acp group work this way also?
Jun 21, 2005 DragonEmpire link
TRS the money you got for that mission was a result of everyone elses money being given to you because they left the group. In group BP when someone leaves, their money they would have recieved is divided evenly amoung the remaining players.

a1k0n: If the rewards for the AC mission are supposed to increase then the AC is broken. Currently when there is a group everyone gets the same amount of XP as if they were solo, and the money is divided.
Jun 22, 2005 Phaserlight link
The other problem with this mission is that there is no incentive to actually work as a squad (you do work as a "group" though - usually when I've played this, each member would be on his own with an assigned type of bot to kill.) The BP mission at least sort of encourages squad tactics since everyone is in the same sector and everyone wants to keep things moving along instead of having eight concurrent duels.

A1k0n! I had a great idea of how to fix this a while back. Instead of having the AGC mission say "go kill any of these bots anywhere" it should tell the group "Kill X of this type of bot and X of this type of bot in this place." Just like the BP mission does now.

See thread:

By focusing the goals of the AGC mission, you will also focus the group that takes it.

This also ties in nicely for when the Hive becomes dynamic and missions become user-definable. A high ranking guild member could create group missions as needed to clear a certain number of bots in a specific sector, which the lowbies could go out and take. Perhaps the commander would even recieve a small commission after the lowbies beat the mission.