Forums » Bugs

Roid Clipping

Nov 21, 2010 Surbius link
I'm in ur roidz! Mining ur ore!

I thought this would be bug worthy since the roid textures, for this particular roid, are not in alignment with its targeting box and its physics shape or whatever you call it.
Nov 22, 2010 Earthshine link
collision mesh?

I've seen several rocks that you could fit a moth under the texture/surface before hitting the collision mesh, but never anything really off-center or anything... did this just happen universally, or is it just a particular rock or something?
Nov 22, 2010 space999999 link
Me, Waffles, and Nahin were able to do this in the CTF ray hosted a few months back.... I dueled someone in that roid :P
Nov 22, 2010 tarenty link
Thespian and I, as a team, can get inside anything from Sedina D-14 to an iceroid. Also, several players have noticed how weapons continue to exist for a half-second or so after impacting something, and still causing damage, which is related. I'm not sure there's anything the devs can do about these things... but I might be wrong?

Nice wallet, by the way.
Nov 27, 2010 Alloh link
WOW... And if we use this bug to make space nebula?

just confine the smoky texture to inside a huge ice without collision mesh?

sorry OT, could not resist...