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Static Queens' Escorts have wimped out

Jan 10, 2010 unpocoloco link
As of about November, the escorts for static queens are docile as sheep.

It used to be that you would be able to attack even one escort bot and they would all turn on you and try their best to do you in.

When assaults were present, sometimes they would even turn on you immediately when you jumped into the sector before you could even attack.

Queening used to be fun. Now it's just the work of shooting a bunch of moving targets.

Thanks for slowing the bots back down so we can shoot them with homers again, BTW.

Also, when I first subscribed, you could fire homing missiles at a bot and jump out of the sector and the missiles would not go stupid and miss. Now they do. If the current state of the art on Planet Earth is fire-and-forget missiles, why does VO not have this anymore?

And by the way, if radar extenders work in storms, they should extend the range in a storm-free sector or one shrouded with gasses (like Dau K-10) even further than in the storm. So a radar extender should extend the range by about double in such sectors.
Jan 10, 2010 yodaofborg link
Errm, one of the devs made a news post about it, so I'm sure it's a known issue.