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AutoRR 1.2

Apr 02, 2012 TheRedSpy link
I have made a tweak to the AutoRR v1.1 that now allows you to toggle the repair and reload function.

"/AutoRR" toggles.
"/AutoRR on" activates.
"/AutoRR off" deactivates.

The default is on.

I have also modified some of the colours to make the functioning a bit more obvious. These changes can be undone or changed with some simple colour code modifications in the main.lua. I'm not a programmer and I figured out how to write the damn thing so It shouldn't be too difficult to switch out the colours for ones you like.

The catalyst for this change was I got sick of having to unload the plugin and use /lua ReloadInterface() everytime I docked in m7 to avoid paying the silly price for TU refills. Now its just a simple keybind and all done!

