Forums » Role Playing
Requesting contact from TheRedSpy
TheredSpy here. requesting requisition for contact on a public channel. Shit my 'r' button is still broken.
better yet...if you would put back up the site, i would rather have a private conversation
If you both register on you can use the pm system.
You know, they have this crazy new invention nowadays called email, and if you want extreme privacy you can even use this wild new piece of free software called GPG that implements PGP encryption. These technologies have only existed for scant decades, but they're already quite useful! you RP is atrocious...the only thing that could prove that it was the real TRS is if him and i coordinated a login time or he reactivated the RED website
why don't you both just post your emails here? Seems the easiest way, really, and I'm sure nobody else that reads these forums would abuse them...
I wrote an automated emailing script the other day and I'm itching to test it. It sends out "You're creamed!" 5000 times to a target email typed in as one of the parameters.
It's almost like you guys have never heard of disposable email accounts.
So there are a couple of places where I am officially me - One is steam. You can find me under the VO usergroup or if you find Phaserlight I am friends with him on steam.
The other place is the Star Citizen forums where I am officially me (Espionage) as well and there's a PM function there. I don't check it but I can if you tell me there's a message there.
My timezone is GMT +10 so it's typically going to be hard for you to be on simultaneously because I do work full time in corporate with commute.
The other place is the Star Citizen forums where I am officially me (Espionage) as well and there's a PM function there. I don't check it but I can if you tell me there's a message there.
My timezone is GMT +10 so it's typically going to be hard for you to be on simultaneously because I do work full time in corporate with commute.