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Guess the Sector Game

Oct 04, 2005 MonkRX link
Time to play Guess the Sector Game! All sectors will be pre-beta (pre-massive universe).

I will post a picture (and keep posting them till I run out, and I will run out.. I just lost a lot of my Vendetta Test 3.2 (when I joined) screenshots due to my laptop's HD's death).

You can Guess more than once, but keep it one per post (and no double posting). *You* need to have a reason as to WHY you guessed that sector, so we can all laugh at you later when you get it wrong.

First Picture!

No hints will be given at this time.

1. roguelazer ~ 5
2. silentsuicide ~ 2
2. RelayeR ~ 2
2. Starfisher ~ 2
Oct 04, 2005 genka link
Oct 04, 2005 roguelazer link
Sector 9. Da planet be that of sector 9!

*move to Off-Topic*
Oct 04, 2005 MonkRX link

But you gave no reason! So you lose. LOSER.

Next Picture.
Oct 04, 2005 roguelazer link
Um. Well, the coloration and roid style rule out sectors 1 (ice), 2 (reddish bg), 3 (not those roids), 4 (bone roids), 5 (no large center-roid), 6 (see 5), 7 (VanAzek roids), 8 (iceyos), 10 (yellow-ey roids), 12 (no large center-roid), 13 ([1]), 14 (white ice ball), 15 (what was in 15?), 16 (frigate), 17 (dark, red), and 18 (see 17). That leaves 9 and 11. 9 didn't have any large roids like that in it. That leaves sector 11, eh?

Oct 04, 2005 Starfisher link
11 had the cracked roid like that with the halo. Yeah.

And rogue.. why a pic of 13 with the map at the bottom showing where you are?
Oct 04, 2005 MonkRX link
Oct 04, 2005 genka link
Oct 05, 2005 RelayeR link
9 again. Waylon signs.
Oct 05, 2005 Blacklight link
darn, but yeah its s9 alright
Oct 05, 2005 MonkRX link
Oct 05, 2005 roguelazer link
That's either s12 or s2 (bone holey roids, blue nebula). I guess I'll vote for s2.
Oct 05, 2005 who? me? link
oooh avalons
Oct 05, 2005 MonkRX link
s2 is wrong.

Avalons? Where?

Person to guess it right still gets the point, but for now:

I found a whole new folder full of Pictures! :D

Edit: Damn, only like 5 new pictures and the rest are repeats.
Oct 05, 2005 roguelazer link
Still the same s9 (planet, Hologram billboards).

And if it was not s2, then it must be s12 (see prev. post for reasons).
Oct 05, 2005 MonkRX link

I might be doing repeats from my last Sector guessing game, so don't cheat and don't look there :P

Edit: The Background is turned off for this one.. I think its too hard but we'll see.
Oct 05, 2005 roguelazer link
Ceres station with no nearby roids = s11. And that's my last guess, 'cause other people deserve a chance.
Oct 05, 2005 MonkRX link
Too bad, you are wrong. :P

As far as I remember, S11 can only be shot in one direction without seeing any asteroids. And that is upwards (S6 is under you). So you'd have to be under the station looking upwards... at least I think so..

Oct 05, 2005 roguelazer link
Wait, are these pics from before the new stations were introduced in nation sectors? If so, then forget that. :P
Oct 05, 2005 MonkRX link
6/15/2004 4:18PM is the date it was created.


I think I know where my Vendetta Screenshots are now! I had to of burnt them.

/me goes off to find his Vendetta Screenshots CD.

Edit again:..

I found some screenshots CDs, but mysteriously, the pocket for Vendetta is *empty*...