Forums » Suggestions

Tournament of Champions

Dec 14, 2004 johnhawl218 link
How about a scripted event, possibly every hour or two, where there is a "tournament of champions" for those who like to "blast the snot out of each other". Like the CtC, you have to fly to a zone that is specified in the broadcast (possible even in the news section of the station). Once there you register with a tournament's Judge Bot, like the marshal, and are assigned a number. Give a window of say a half hour so as many people as can get there to register. Registration could be a set amount of money, say 10,000cr. Once the alloted time for the registration is over the tounament can begin. Then they start calling out number from a tournament tree. Winners advance to the next level of the tournament, loosers can stay and watch, wait for the next tournament, or leave to do something else. The winner of the tournament recieves a nice weapon or ship as his/her prize and a medal that shows that they are a tournament champion. And you can't forget the loot, Winner would take home 70% of the registration fee and second 20% and third 10%. If there were only a few people that show up to the tournament, perhaps substitute some of the player spots with extremely difficult bots (in relation to the bots that we have now), such as IDF Velks and UIT Hogs TD and Serco Proms with nice AI's.

Once reason I think that this would be feesable in the universe is the back story about the way in which the Serco lived there lives before the reimergance of the Itani through the wormhole. Constantly competing with each other to prove who were the strongest amongst them. This could be a new way for the Serco with the blessing of the Sky Command to again show who's best amongst the pilots of all the nations of the univers.

Another reason, people like to fight each other, this is a way to make money, kill others who like to kill, and get some cool items that are rare in the universe.
Dec 14, 2004 exDragon link
For traders, you could have tournament credicts. The traders has to try to make as much money as possible within a certain amount of time. Everybody starts off with a certain amount of tournament credicts. Also the items they trade are not based on the actual supply and demand needs in the game. Instead it is based off of the random supply and demand needs made for that tournament. This will prevent wealthy traders from winning every time

(cough like the player that had 11% of all the money in the game cough cough)
Dec 14, 2004 johnhawl218 link
The idea was ment as a combat tournament, a trade based contest is interesting as well but would take for ever considering having to fly across the different sectors and systems. Good idea though.

Perhaps a scavenger hunt of sorts. Fill a list up and get back to the initial station first wins. Have check points where you obtain your goods. No order to the pickup list but you have to get all of them or you don't finish.
Dec 14, 2004 KixKizzle link
I'm all for the tournament of champions idea. I think it would be cool if it was set in a HUGE hallowed out, round, asteroid. With veins of glowing ores. O_O With tunnels traveling all through it. Everyone could either be set off at once in different places of the asteroid and the last man standing would win... or i'm all for John's idea too. . . just so long as it takes place in a jig'normous asteroid!

/givemoney Devs 2c
Dec 14, 2004 Shapenaji link
Hey, I'm all for this too :) that would rock.
Dec 14, 2004 johnhawl218 link
There could be different types at different times:

- Tourny Tree
- Free for All
- Teams
Dec 14, 2004 danielky link
This should be easy to implement. The duel system just would have to be updated.
Dec 14, 2004 Starfisher link
It would be easy to implement if you assumed everyone would play nice and follow the rules exactly. There's a lot of "if then buts" involved with something this complex that would take a while.

Organize your own tourney! We've had player run tourneys, organized battles, scavenger hunts (Cash Prize GiveAway!) and sector races before. Make a post with a well thought out system and people will step up to help and participate. No need to make the devs do it.
Dec 14, 2004 johnhawl218 link
If you read the first sentance, it's a CtC style script, automated, not player driven. It could be easy enough to say that all participants need to fly in X type craft, with X style weapon. But I think it would be more interesting if you could select your own weapon/ship configs yourself. This is for Champions, not noobs =)
Dec 14, 2004 ananzi link
i also think it would be good to have a specific spot in the universe where people can congregate, and fight. if you build it they will come. If you leave it scattered out, sporadic, and hard to get to, with uncertain and screwy rules abotu what happens to their character and faction standing, and dont even mention it in the manual, which is what CTC is, then people wont come.
Dec 14, 2004 Starfisher link
I know. I'm telling you to stop asking the devs to do your organization for you. We've done it before, it really isn't all that much work for a player to do. For the devs, however, who have a backlog stretching back six months, I think it's not a worthy use of their time. It doesn't address any gameplay issues or fix any bugs, and it already has the capacity to be done if people wanted to do it.
Dec 14, 2004 johnhawl218 link
I disagree Starfisher, like Ananzi said, if you build it they will come, An "arena" area in a neutral system would be perfect, none of this has any faciton impact but would add to player kills, I neglected to add that originally. It does address an issue! People who wish to kill other people in a pvp style combat can coagulate there to fight till they are exhausted. I can't count the number of times I've see, "No one want to pvp" in general chat, if everyone knew where to go it would be a lot easier to find fights. I don't think it would be that hard to designate a sector to an "arena" and put a small script to manage the tournys and award the prizes.

Personally, I probably would not go there much, I like other aspects of the game. The idea came to me when Genka said he "JUST" like to kill other people.
Dec 14, 2004 Starfisher link
Heh, what you describe was the game for two years...

There are problems with making a place soley for PvP and devoiding the rest of the world of it. For one, the rest of the universe becomes a lonely and boring place, and for another, people never leave it.

If you want a specific tournamnet, organize it. If it's popular it could be a recurring event. These things are always better when they are player run and add so much more to the game than if the devs hastily hack in a combat sector.
Dec 14, 2004 KixKizzle link
Ok Ok Ok.... I will take on the task of organizing a small war AS LONG as the Devs give me my JIG'NORMOUS asteroid with tunnels running all throughout!!! (drools at the thought)


(but really it would be alot different than a player run event. For one thing there would be no complications with the credits. There would be no problems with "Who's the last man standing". Heck there could probably be a time limit in the FFA that way the person who has the most kills would win..., for different variations besides just last man standing and what not.)

Is this a diversion from the devs ultimate goals... yes. Will it be implimented... most likely not. BUT SPECULATE MY FRIENDS!!!! WE MUST SPECULATE!!!!!!!

/givemoney Devs 2c
Dec 14, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
Sounds just like the old "Deathmatch" sector from the early Vendetta Test alphas. Just imagine fighting people in Verasi I-5 :-)_
Dec 15, 2004 gamejunky link
This is an awesome idea. Duel on a mass scale! And people can place bets on teams or players!
Dec 15, 2004 johnhawl218 link
I never ment to imply that you could not pvp else where in the universe only that those who are actively looking for pvp could go there and be garenteed pvp, as opposed to them picking on people who are obviously not interested in pvp. Since it has already been in the game before I see no reason they could not dig up a few lines of code and implement it again. Again, this is not for me at all, this is for others. I have no interest in organizing anything at all.
Dec 30, 2004 KixKizzle link
Dec 31, 2004 thurisaz link
hmm.... seems pretty easy to get a mess of people together in an empty system (so players can't home there)... then, the last non-referee left in the system is the winner....

..I picture more of a weekly bout at an arranged place and time... make it a "Fight Club"
Jan 19, 2005 Demonen link
Sorry to play Thread Necromancer here, but the game needs something like this.

/givemoney "Referee" 10000
<Referee> Allright, everyone has paid.
<Referee> Remember: No jumping out, no swarmers and no auto-destruct!
<Referee> FIGHT!
-> everyone has been killed except referee and one player
<Referee> "LastPlayer" has won! Yay!
* Referee gives "LastPlayer" 90% of the entry fees to the last remaining player.

90% because I feel the referees should be paid for not being able to actually join the tourney. Also, credits are symbolic in the game now. We don't REALLY need it anymore.

The actual battle-sector could be kept a secret to anyone that have not paid. That way noone can enter late and spoil it.

If we get three people to be the referees we would even have the match covered pretty well for cheating.

Besides, what was mentioned about "this is the way the game was before" was ment as PLAYER run fighting and tourneys.
No actual code was written for it.
At the time the devs were working on modularizing the stations and inventing the mission system!