Forums » Suggestions

Sunflares- the fix (I hope)

Jul 04, 2003 UncleDave link
Think a third bar, for external surface temperature. Default would be directly related to your engine; would go up when you turbo; would go down when you remain still.
But heres the key... the temperature bar has a certain inertia towards its engine default. Every sunflare rocket fired would up the temperature and it would take a while to cool back to its preferred temperature. If the temperature got above a certain level, all ship systems would power down until it reset to its preferred level.
This way, players with multiple sunflare launchers arent able to turbo and fire off barrages of triple rockets. Youd have to take 5 second breaks between every 4 or 5 fired so your ship doesnt overheat and youre screwed :)
Jul 04, 2003 lunitary link
i love the idea but:
add up that is you just cant boost after a sertain lever of heat, and if you keep on and fire the Sunflates your ship will be expolded.

Jul 04, 2003 Cmdr. Freeman link
No...bad idea...too complicated.
Just split small & large into small energy / small projectile & large energy / large projectile...and then change the ships accordingly.
Jul 04, 2003 beady link
Would you have a safety system there Dave to prevent people from accidently blowing themselves up? Would it be able to be toggled on or off for those who want to live that little bit closer to the edge?

- and, and_but_red!, and_only_gold!
Jul 04, 2003 Sage link
Wouldn't that nerf all the energy weapons though? Now not only do energy weapons have to worry about battery, but heat too. Unless you changed the energy weapon's from requiring battery to just heating up your ship.

But another cool offshoot of this would be if Avalons were made bigger and badder, but one shot would shut your ship down for a while. I also wish there was a way to remote detonate an avalon.
Jul 06, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
I'd rather see energy weapons upgraded rather than rockets nerfed.

But maybe they could put in a max ammo for a ship say 16 so if you buy 2 rocket launchers you get 8 rockets in each launcher, buy 4 and you get 4 rockets in each launcher that way rockets aren't nerfed but it's riskier to have tri-rockets than to have duel rockets.
Jul 06, 2003 furball link
The fix for the sunflares IMNSHO would be this: drop the fire rate of the flares. IE I was watching Phoenix last night and in the space of about 10 seconds or so (rough guess), he fired off at LEAST 5 rounds of rockets! Rather than the fire rate of the flares being every 2 seconds, I'd RATHER see it go up to something like every 5 seconds! This will fix the problem of rocket rammers/rocket spammers.
Jul 06, 2003 beady link
I'm a supporter of the idea that Hunter Alpha suggested there, limit the total amount of ammo regardless of how many launchers you have. The downside is that people would still be able to launch a massive volley but it would be risky to the point where most people would need to lose one spot on their rocket heavy setups. In another sunflare thread I noticed someone suggesting limiting the number of ammo capable points on a ship, while I think it would be a nice way of controlling Sunflare (over)use I'd still like to try things such as 2 suns, 1 rail on my valk. Is there a perfect solution?

- and, and_but_red!, and_only_gold!
Jul 06, 2003 Celkan link
Beady, I _think_ you might have been referring to me with the second idea... but I meant rocket/missle weapons, not all projectile weapons... the rail gun is nerfed so bad it's impossible to do a tri setup efficiently, and a dual setup is nearly as inefficient. Until the rails are un-nerfed, there is no need to restrict mines and railguns. But if it was my idea you mentioned, thank you for noticing it.
Jul 06, 2003 beady link
Celkan, I think it was too, but your name eluded me and I was too lazy to go look it up. Limiting the Missile/Rocket ports seems like a better idea than all ammo based weapons, I probably misinterpreted what you were trying to say. As for the rail I think it would make a brilliant weapon to compliment the Sunflares if it was altered a bit (lower energy usage? perhaps a subject for another thread) the long reach of the Rail and the up close punch of the Suns.

- and, and_but_red!, and_only_gold!
Jul 06, 2003 Eldrad link
The problem with the flares is when they're shot without enough time to dodge them. Stopping turboing and rocketing at the same time is probably a good idea... but heat seems like a complicated way of doing it. Especially because it will probably effect other weapons much more.

The most legitimate way to use rockets is to fire them in a wide spread to prevent the target from dodging. If you kill the fire rate then the only remaining way to hit someone is ramming. Since rockets blow each-other up if the shooter is in the splash they shouldn't be firing, because they would receive far more damage than the target for each flare after the first set.

Put a timer on all explosives equal to 110% of (their prox) divided by (their speed) so that they won't blow up until after the given time or any ship that comes within the prox won't be able to set them off. For the flare this would be .6 seconds which is enough time to prevent rammers.
Jul 06, 2003 furball link
Eld, you're correct, that IS the most legitimate way to do it BUT you need to see this a couple of times to see what the problem is. It was amazing. Phoenix would line up about 1000 meters or so out, start boosting, and then you would see a string of 5, 6, 7 groups of dual flares heading into the target. And then a few seconds later, boom target destroyed. Where's the skill in that? Where's the FUN in that? (Note: I was not at any time on the receiving end of these runs as I was blue SOOO let's just take THAT "arguement" out of the picture :D)

I agree that stopping firing rockets while turboing would DEFINTELY work. As would timers too. ALSO add onto that changing the firing rate of the flares AND restricting the number of same weapons on a ship AND making the ammo the ammo per ship NOT per launcher would FIX the flares once and for all.

The problem right now is that the flare is the #1 used weapon by a LONG SHOT! Followed by the gauss. VERY few people use anything else. Cyberseal and I were talking last night and he said to me that he didn't LIKE using the tri flare valk config BUT that was the ONLY way to kill Phoenix as that was HIS config too! And frankly, that's one of the big problems with Vendetta right now.
Jul 06, 2003 Martinet link
I think that sunflares are simply too damaging. Rockets should logically make up for poor aim with rate of fire and quantity. Since in Vendetta we have a distinction between big rockets and small rockets, small rockets should be, well, small. With 1500 damage per rocket and multiple launchers, you can build up momentum eqivalent to the avalon (or more) in an instant. Since the large rockets are barely better than sunflares, and can't be mounted en masse, 3 sunflares are more than 3 times as effective as one jackhammer or screamer. Sunflares should be simply too weak to be the primary WMD.

Rate of fire should not be a huge problem if the damage is greatly curbed. Also, large rockets need some upgrades in oomph.
Jul 06, 2003 roguelazer link
My hog with one flare and one screamer can do more damage qicker than a tri-flare valk. The damage value is the same, as the valk is 3x1500 and the hog is 1x15+1x3000, but screamers are FAST!
Jul 07, 2003 Kuvagh link
<self edit, I need to think about this before I finalize my opinion on the best fix>

Jul 06, 2003 Eldrad link
Flares are good at killing targets that don't see you coming. Honestly though if the person can't get out of the way of a ship that can't turn coming from 1km away they're likely to die. I've been killed plenty of times while typing like anyone else. I don't think the weapons should be built so that they can't kill an unsuspecting target, to do so we'd need to nerf them all, which would make killing people who know you're there really long and boring.
Jul 06, 2003 furball link
Eldrad, you're missing my point. ;) I'm NOT saying that killing unsuspecting people is BAD... what I'm saying is that the rate of fire is SOOOOO fast that it's insane. IF we leave the ROF alone, then yes, I AGREE, chop the damage done by the flare in HALF OR MORE!

I personally wouldn't MIND seeing the flares taken out of the game but I also realize that isn't going to happen. When more than 75% of the people flying are using at least dual flares, that's a bad sign.
Jul 07, 2003 roguelazer link
I still say drop proxy of flares to 5m, and cut the proximity of all other weapons besides the avalon to {1/4*<CURRENTPROX>+5}
Jul 07, 2003 furball link
My personal opinion is that the fix for flares is the following: (Note, I FREELY admit that I MAY be overreacting a little and this MAY be something of a nerf)

1) Reduce rate of fire to something like 5 seconds between missle.
2) Reduce damage by half.
3) Reduce proxy of flares to 5 OR MAKE them contact only.
4) Reduce quanty of ammo per launcher OR create a global ammo system (IE global per ship) that supplies any/all launchers on the ship.
Jul 07, 2003 Celebrim link
Any one of those but #1 or #4a is a nerf, and #1 is definately over-reacting. #4a is probably overreacting depending one what number you want to reduce to.

The combination of them is just sick, and would definately be the games worst weapon.